A Complete Guide Buying (Or Building) A Faraday Bag
In today’s high-tech world, we’re all carrying valuable (and vulnerable) data on devices like:
- Smartphones
- Laptops
- Key fobs
- Smartwatches
Without protection, these gadgets are prime targets for hackers, or worse, an EMP could fry them in seconds.
That’s where Faraday bags come in…
They’re a smart investment to shield your personal information from prying eyes and protect your devices from cyber threats or EMPs. Think of them as a safe for your tech—keeping your secrets where they belong.
Best Faraday Bags On The Market Today
Nowadays, there are so many options online. Some are great, and some are a total rip off. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the best ones on the market today:
↓ Silent Pocket 20 Liter Faraday Bag
For those with a lot of electronics to protect, Mission Darkness has you covered.
Their Faraday duffel bag is water-resistant because of the ballistic nylon materials.
And it's lined with a detachable Faraday cage lining.
It's extensive, durable, and useful, and it also comes with a smaller pouch you can use for compact devices.
↓ Mission Darkness Faraday Duffel
This bag blocks Bluetooth, WiFi, cell signals (incl. 5G networks), GPS, and RFID.
It's designed for military, police departments, forensic investigators, government and executive travel, personal data security, signal isolation, EMF reduction, and EMP protection.
This secure water-tight roll backpack measures 16” x 11” x 6"
It's your best option if you want your entire backpack to be a functional Faraday cage.
↓ Faraday Defense Dry Bag
↓ Mission Darkness Phone Size Bag
These are the thickest available military-spec EMP bags available online.
And they won't break the bank.
This pack comes with 12 reusable, resealable, packable bags.
Bags are made from high-grade anti-static shielding with several aluminum layers.
They are large enough to fit laptop computers; they are heavy-duty and water-resistant.
This is a smart option for storing different electronics in separate bags.
Or even keep separate bags at different locations:
- home
- office
- vehicle
- car
- etc.
This laptop bag uses faux leather, making it water-resistant.
Plus, it blocks all Cell Phones, RFID, GPS, Wifi, and Key FOB signals.
This is an excellent option for everyday use.
It'll protect your computer and sensitive electronics when you’re in public.
It's a practical Faraday cage but sleek and stylish enough to pass for a regular laptop case.
This last one isn’t so much a bag but a cool way to build your own Faraday box (or “cage”).
They send you everything you need to construct a high-quality Faraday cage.
Then you get to put it all together yourself.
This is a great way to learn the ins and outs of a Faraday cage/bag.
It will help you familiarize yourself with the technology if you need to build your own someday.
What Is A Faraday Bag | How Do They Work?
Michael Faraday
As the name implies, these bags are an offshoot of the original “Faraday cage.” It was initially engineered by a British scientist, Michael Faraday. These cages block electromagnetic fields.
The first Faraday cage, built in 1863, was a room coated in metal foil. Faraday fired high-voltage electric discharges at the room to prove his idea. And it worked.
↓ Michael Faraday: The Father Of Electricity
The charges could not penetrate his metal-lined room. You could even say he foiled the electricity…
A shield is the metal foil that lines a Faraday product (or bag). It blocks electricity and radio waves, and EMF radiation from passing through. It then redirects them along its surface.
↓ How Do Signal Blockers Work? (Faraday Cages)
Since its discovery, Faraday cages have evolved and become even more effective. They’re now used to protect electronic devices and their information.
The modern commercial Faraday cage is a trusty and reliable companion in our modern world.
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Hacking is easy for computer nerds. It’s a non-violent way for criminals to watch, listen, extort, and steal. And this kind of crime is on the rise. Explosively. But a faraday bag is like carrying a safe for electronic devices.
It’s why police departments and the military use them. They help law enforcement pros keep secrets, protect evidence, and maintain privacy. So instead of being a helpless victim, you can invest in Faraday bag.
A bag that offers a data shield for all your electronic devices.
Block Digital Pick Pocketing
Technology thieves can easily scan your devices:
- phones
- passports
- credit cards
- computers
- etc.
They can get your digital information through your pants, wallet, purse, suitcase, or backpack. It’s called “digital pickpocketing,” and it’s serious. But that’s where a shielded bag comes in.
To fight dangerous technology with helpful technology. No sneaky scan-thief is going to be robbing us of our identity!
Not with the help of Faraday bags, they won’t. It isn’t just computer nerds using this new tech.
Law enforcement uses them regularly to protect electronic devices seized as evidence.
To ensure these devices cannot be wiped clean of incriminating data.
If there is a computer with sensitive information, they store it in a shielded bag. They’ll do this until the case is closed to protect it from outside interference. And the number of options on the market today is vast, for example:
- You can buy Faraday backpacks that protect your computer and tablets.
- Or you can buy Faraday phone cases to protect your phone.
- You can buy travel wallets to protect your plastic credit cards.
- You can even buy a duffel bag-sized one for your larger electronic devices.
With so many options, it’s inexcusable to leave your electronics unprotected. You’re essentially asking to get “digitally hacked” if you do.
↓ Simple RFID Hack – Digital Pocket Picking
↓ Why Chip Credit Cards Are Still Not Safe From Fraud
Key Fob Relay Hacking
Key fobs are everywhere. They unlock your car and use a push-button start. They are insanely convenient, but that convenience comes with risk. That little key fob is constantly emitting a signal. But that signal can be boosted by hackers who can enter your vehicle long distances.
They can then steal your vehicle’s contents or the vehicle itself! But with a shielded bag, you block that signal. And only unblock it when you remove the key fob from your pocket or purse.
↓ Key Fob Relay Hacking?!
EMP Protection
Here at Skilled Survival, we’ve written extensively about the threats from EMP attacks.
We won’t be covering that here in this post. But these bags are a simple way to protect your small electronics from an EMP strike.
For even more protection, put your electronics into a shielded bag. And then put the bag into a Faraday cage. Double EMP protection!
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When you are shopping, there are several key features to remember. These are the features that set good apart from great. They make the tool more useful, more effective, and more reliable.
Dual Paired Seams
The best bags have many layers, at the very least, two. Typically a high-quality one will have five layers:
- static dissipative polyethylene (plastic)
- aluminum
- polyester
- aluminum
- coat of dissipative polyethylene polyester
This 5-layer setup is a “dual paired seam” system, offering the best protection.
Double-Roll Closure System
The closure system is important to shield electronic devices. Yes, using a single-fold flap closure system is more convenient. But a double-fold closure system improves safety.
Police departments and forensics labs use a double-fold closure.
Faraday Fabric
A proper bag uses metalized fabric.
The metals they use for this are highly conductive, like copper or silver. This is the primary driver of material costs.
Cheaper bags use cheaper metals (like nickel). Nickel does not conduct electricity nearly as well. So it will not protect electronics as well, either.
The cheaper the fabric, the shorter time your bag will last. Chances are you will put this bag through some wear and tear.
If it starts shredding at the first sign of rough riding, you’re SOL.
Instead, get one that uses multi-stitching along the seams.
Also, look for one that’s covered with quality materials. The longer this bag can last you, the better.
Compartments make organizing electronics a lot easier.
Tossing everything into a single compartment won’t reduce your protection from electromagnetic interference. But, it’ll be a disorganized jumble and could damage sensitive components.
Compartments mitigate these issues.
Easy To Carry
Bags come in all different shapes and sizes. And, of course, you should get one that meets your needs.
Some people need larger bags, while others want to keep things small. But regardless of what size or shape your bag is, make sure it’s easy to carry.
You will have difficulty moving if it is too big, unwieldy, or awkward to carry.
Meets YOUR Needs
This is the most important feature to look for.
Just make sure that you are shopping for yourself. Look for a bag that will fit your specific electronic protection needs, like a glove.
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The cool thing about these bags and cages is even though they are technical, they’re easy to build.
The science behind them may be complex. But the overall design is relatively easy to understand and replicate. Which is great. Constructing a Faraday cage from scratch is an invaluable skill.
↓ DIY Faraday Bag For Phone
So here is what you need:
- Plastic wrap
- Aluminum foil
- Metal container (like a trashcan)
Step 1.
Wrap the electronic device you are trying to protect in plastic wrap or light cloth.
This helps prevent the aluminum foil from scratching and keeps corners protected.
Step 2.
Around the protective layer (of plastic or cloth), wrap a layer of aluminum foil.
Be sure to cover every inch of the device! Even if a single corner is exposed, it compromises the effectiveness of your Faraday cage.
The foil acts as a conductor layer.
It blocks electronic signals (Emp, LTE Wifi, Bluetooth) from penetrating by redirecting them along the surface. Or use a mylar bag…
Step 3.
Alternate plastic wrap and aluminum wrap several times.
Create at least three layers of aluminum foil.
A layer of plastic separates each layer. And each covers the electronic device entirely. This is already an effective Faraday “cage.”
It will protect your electronic device from most digital interference.
It will block almost all signals from reaching it (4G, 5G, Emp, LTE Wifi, Bluetooth). But if you want to add a layer of DIY protection to your Faraday cage, add some extra insulation.
Step 4.
Use a steel container (like a stainless steel trashcan or a lockbox) that has a tight seal.
Line this container with plastic wrap.
Step 5.
Place your electronic device inside your metal container (lined with plastic).
Then seal it shut as tightly as possible.
Note: Turn a small radio on, then put it inside the bag to test the shielding effectiveness. If the radio loses signal, you’ll hear it (or rather won’t) and know your bag is working.
Final Thoughts
Privacy is becoming harder to maintain in our world overrun by digital gadgets. Do not leave yourself exposed.
Prepare for and protect yourself from cybercrime by investing in a Faraday bag. It’s the best way to ensure your privacy stays private and your information stays yours.
Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,
P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!
I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.
To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.
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