105 Ways The World Will Be Different After TEOTWAWKI
For those who don’t know, TEOTWAWKI stands for:
The End of the World As We Know It
This isn’t your typical, everyday emergency. TEOTWAWKI means something massive—an event so catastrophic that it hurls our world back into a pre-electricity, survival-mode nightmare.
But here’s a thought: have you ever really stopped to think about what life would be like afterward?
Taking a moment to imagine that can shift your entire perspective. Suddenly, the things we take for granted—electricity, grocery stores, running water—seem a lot less permanent.
1. No More Mowed Lawns
Mowing will be a thing of the past. It will become a complete waste of calories in a world where every calorie matters.
Fuel will also be a rare resource not wasted on trivial things like a well-kept lawn. Lawns will become waist-high grass fields. The same thing goes for your local parks.
In fact, if there’s any fuel left, riding mowers will be used for anything but mowing lawns.
2. No More Daily Traffic Jams (maybe permanent ones, though)
Without massive fuel distribution daily, we will run out of the energy needed to power vehicles. Plus, since everyone will be out of work anyways, there will no longer be daily commuting. However, there will be massive permanent traffic jams.
These will be from all the vehicles left behind by people who have abandoned them in panic. Here are a few different fuel options to consider.
3. No More Video Games
This one is a no-brainer. In a never-ending power outage, you won’t be able to play your Grand Theft Auto, Xbox, or PlayStation. Bummer.
4. Fewer Cared For Pets & More Strays
When food becomes scarce, so will pet ownership. People will be unable to feed their pets or have time to care for them.
It’s a luxury that will end.
My chocolate lab is my best friend and a family member, so he is part of my preps. However, those who are unprepared will not have the resources to continue caring for them.
5. No More Restaurants, Fast Food, or Delivery
Sorry, but you will be cooking your own meals from now on.
Hopefully, you’ve prepared and actually have food stockpiled to cook with. Essentially, no grid electricity means no more businesses that prepare food for you.
6. Real books Will Be Worth A Lot More
Real, physical books with pages will be worth a lot. With no electricity, you have no computer and no eBooks. So physical books will become relevant again.
The best books will show people how to perform desired tasks, such as Gardening, Fixing Things, or survival books. But good fiction will become cherished as well.
7. Urban Trees Will Be Gone
When winter hits, people will need firewood for heat. The first place they will get firewood will be their own backyard trees. Tree vs. freeze to death? Bye-bye, backyard trees. Followed by public trees.
Bottom line: No trees in urban settings will exist in just a few years.
8. No More Indoor Plumbing
Most people rely on water towers (gravity to create water pressure) to supply their homes with water. Pumps fill water towers, and pumps require electricity.
No electricity equals no indoor plumbing. Your sinks will be dry, and your toilets won’t flush. This is a major issue that will significantly decrease sanitation.
9. No More Designer Weddings
When you are just trying to survive, things like expensive weddings will be one of the first things to go. I see this as a positive myself. My guess is: there will be fewer weddings in general.
10. More Deaths Due To Basic Illnesses
Medication manufacturers will not be able to operate. So your flu shots, antibiotics, and pain medications will not be as readily available. Those who do have these won’t be sharing them willingly.
You might be able to barter for some, but it might cost a lot of high-quality gear or ammo. Why? Because someone who has life-saving medications has all the leverage.
What are you going to do, not trade them and risk death? Many people won’t be able to afford them or can’t find access.
So a harmless scratch may become infected and become your demise if TEOTWAWKI happens.
11. More Children Per Families
This is my best guess for the longer term once the initial hell settles down. The first year or two after, there will be fewer pregnancies. Why? Because the majority of people will be in survival mode and don’t want to bring a baby into this horrible world.
However, once things settle down, survivors won’t have contraception or safe abortion options. Many suggest that sex is a human need and that we are wired for it.
So healthy young couples in survival communities will have more than 1 or 2 kids. They might not want kids, but inevitably it will happen.
Like large American frontier families in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
12. No More Professional Sports
Games and sports no longer hold interest when your daily survival is questioned. Not only that, but the athletes themselves will be with their families, trying to survive as well.
Professional sports will be something kids ask about around the fire at night.
“Tell us about this thing you call Football and Fantasy Football?”
It will be such a foreign concept to anyone young or born after TEOTWAWKI.
13. Online Purchases Will No Longer Exist
Without electricity, there will be no internet. Without the internet, you can’t buy stuff online. Plus, there won’t be any nationwide mail services available either.
So even if you could buy it, you wouldn’t be able to get anything delivered.
I enjoy writing for this blog, but this gig would end. The good news, I suppose, is we will no longer have to worry about our online privacy.
14. No Emergency Services are Available
Immediately after, emergency service providers will quickly become overwhelmed. The most honorable may attempt to “do their jobs” initially. But soon, they will realize they must stop trying to save others. And start worrying about their own families.
They will abandon their posts and head home to save their own families.
15. Large Backyard Gardens Will Become More Popular
People who have access to seeds will attempt to grow their own food. That might be the easy part. The hard part might be protecting your backyard garden from scavenging neighbors.
Of course, you can’t rely solely on a garden for your food replenishment, but it should be one part of it.
16. Seeds Would Become Worth a Lot More
Heirloom seeds will become worth a and yield both produce and harvestable seeds. These seeds can then be saved for the following year’s plantings.
If you know what you are doing, you can save seeds and replant them the next year…into perpetuity. That’s obviously an amazing tool to have when food resources are scarce. Plus, they will be amazing for bartering if you have extra.
Don’t be fooled, though. Just having these seeds without gardening skills and know-how will create a false sense of security.
The time to start a garden is now, not after. And not only THAT, but modern food preservation (refrigeration) will mean most foods spoil quickly. So fresh food via gardens will be highly valuable.
17. No More Movies or Fancy Actors | Actresses
Like professional sports, pretending to be someone you’re not in front of cameras will no longer interest anyone. And without electricity, you can’t watch them anyways.
After things settle out, there may be small skits that local survival groups put on for some evening fun. But that’s only if they first sort out all their immediate survival needs.
18. No More Concerts or Fancy Musicians
I believe that local, acoustic, folksy music will survive.
People will eventually play fiddles and acoustic guitars. However, mega concerts in stadiums will be a thing of the past. To me, this is 100% fine.
No more Bieber mania, Swifties, or watching Miley Cyrus doing lewd acts on stage. I could do without this anyways, thanks.
19. Increased Neighborhood Waste / Stench
With no indoor plumbing or waste pickup services, neighborhoods will reek. Where will people put their trash? The best guess is they will dump their waste down the street somewhere at night.
However, it will just sit in the sun and rain while flies and rodents
swoop in. This is one of those things people forget to consider when preparing. Trust me; it will become a crappy problem to deal with.
20. No More Flying
Without electricity, fuel will not be mass-produced. Without fuel, planes won’t fly. So the skies will look like they did immediately after 9/11.
They will be empty, and they will stay empty. No more flying across the country to visit family for the holidays.
21. Limited Communications
Cell phones won’t work. So how will you call and communicate with family if they live several states away? The answer is you probably won’t.
Unless both parties have ham radios with backup electrical generation systems, you won’t be communicating with them. Without mail services, no letters can be sent either.
So if you decide to try and get home after TEOTWAWKI, you’ll be heading there blind. Not really knowing if they will still be there or even be alive.
22. Roads Will Be Terrible To Drive | Many Impassible
Roads might be OK for a few years after. However, roads and bridges will quickly fail without regular maintenance.
Potholes will get bigger; bridges will crumble and eventually fail. Even if you could drive a few years after (which is doubtful), you won’t travel at 85 MPH. You’ll be driving more like 30 MPH if you’re lucky.
23. Bikes Will Be Much More Popular
Since most vehicles will be useless, bikes will become popular for local travel. Extreme travel caution will be necessary since you don’t want to run into unfriendly strangers. But if you must travel any distance, then a bikes will be something many survivalists will embrace.
Here’s a list of your best transportation options.
24. Popular Recreation Will Be Gone
These expensive hobbies will be a thing of the past. Golf, bowling, skiing – these hobbies will vanish overnight. There won’t be any extra time wasted on such extravagant lifestyle activities.
25. Rain Collection Systems Will Become the Norm
When the taps go dry, you’ll want to set up simple roof rainwater collection systems. You can collect an impressive amount of rainwater with barrels on each downspout.
After TEOTWAWKI, nearly everyone will start collecting rainwater.
26. Massive Unemployment
You will no longer have a job. At least not one in the traditional sense. Your new everyday job will be surviving. Gathering resources, fending off unfriendly strangers, and protecting your family.
This is your new full-time job and will be your hardest job ever.
27. Hand Tools Will Become Worth More
Hand tools that don’t need electricity to operate will skyrocket in value. Not price in terms of paper money (it won’t be worth anything). But prices in terms of bartering leverage.
Real Value.
28. People Will Take Up Old School Skills
Old school, pre-industrial age skills will come back into high demand. You might be able to use these skills to barter or trade with neighbors. Sewing and mending clothes will be valuable.
Resoling shoes and boots will become a necessary craft. Carpentry might be useful. Using your hands to build or fix things will be important after the event.
Here are 20 valuable skills to barter with.
↓ 7 Overlooked & Under-Appreciated Prepping Skills ↓
29. Personal Sanitation Will Decrease
We already talked about indoor plumbing, and dealing with human waste will be a huge issue to deal with. But so will everyday cleanliness. Daily showers will be a thing of the past.
Baths will be the norm and once a week if you’re extremely lucky. The process of finding water and carrying it into the house will be a time-consuming chore. Not one you’ll want to do with any regular frequency.
If you live near a large body of water, river, lake, or pond, then it will make more sense to strip down and jump in. Also, having a warm bath will take a lot more time and energy, so cold baths will be the new norm.
30. Cities Will Become Dangerous Death Traps
Cities will be extremely dangerous, especially in the first few months/years after the event. Millions of starving people will create massive violence. People attack each other for scarce resources.
Over time, people will flee the city, looking for more resources. Those left behind will survive mainly by taking from others by force.
- If you live in a major city, I suggest you bug out as soon as things go south.
- If you don’t live in a major city, then it’s best to avoid it and never be tempted to go into one.
It will most likely be a death trap. And I’m not willing to bet my life on it.
31. No Colleges or Universities
Higher education will be limited to local survival communities. If a small survival community survives, then it will begin educating its children. However, it won’t be the same sort of education that we have today.
Survival skills and weapon use will be the main education topics. Not philosophy or liberal arts.
32. Horses Will Become More Popular Again
If you have horses and you can keep them from starving, then they will grow in popularity. Once things settle out, the survivors will use horses for travel.
Like early frontier days.
33. Body Hair Will Not Be Groomed
Shaving daily will become a thing of the past. Because fresh, sharp blades will be less readily available. And most won’t want to waste time and energy to do so.
So men, in general, will have more facial hair, and women will have unshaven legs and armpits.
34. Greenback Won’t Be the Recognized Currency
Paper money will be worth nothing.
The only reason it has value today is that people have confidence in it. Confidence that others will recognize those paper dollars to represent value. TEOTWAWKI will destroy all confidence in paper dollars holding any value.
If you think about it, this paper can’t do anything practical. It can’t dig like a good tactical shovel; it can’t be eaten to give us calories; heck, it can’t be used for self-defense. The only use for paper dollars will be to help start fires and emergency toilet paper.
35. No More Dieting and Weight Control Programs
Being overweight will no longer be a problem when food resources are scarce. Starvation will be the new issue people are confronted with.
36. National Politics Won’t Matter
The only politics you’ll have to worry about is local. No matter how small your group survival coalition is, there will be some form of decision-making. There will be leaders and followers.
This is local politics.
37. Correct Prescription Eye Glasses Will Become Cherished
If, like me, you wear corrective lenses, then you need to plan carefully. Blurry vision is a huge disadvantage in survival. From shooting guns to spotting intruders.
Blurry vision will get you killed. So you need to have eyeglasses and preferably a backup pair. They won’t be making any more.
The odds of bartering for a pair with your exact prescription are zero. The way I see it, you have 2 options:
- Get LASIK vision correction ASAP
- Consider getting a pair of sports goggles with your prescription today, just in case.
Sports goggles can take a lot more abuse than traditional eyeglasses.
38. Firearm Carry Will Become the Norm
Those who survive will be those who carry a firearm. No permits are needed. Without any form of law enforcement, we’ll go back to the Wild West era of packing heat everywhere we go.
Plan to gear up for gunfights.
39. No More Planning Around the Weather
The weather for the day will be a complete surprise. Of course, you’ll know the general seasons. You’ll know it’s not going to snow in July.
However, you won’t know what the next 10 days will bring as far as storms or droughts. Why? Because our current system of weather forecasting will no longer function.
No more planning your picnics around the weather. But no one will be picnicking anyways…
However, here are some old methods to predict what the weather might have in store.
40. A Lot Less Wildlife
Wildlife equals protein. Starving humans equals mass local wildlife extinction. Birds, squirrels, deer, and rabbits will all be wiped out locally. Probably snakes too.
Some people will eat rodents. However, rats carry diseases and multiply like crazy. So I expect they will be around in significant numbers.
The mornings will be eerily quiet, with no birds chirping.
41. The Concept of the Weekend Will Vanish
Thank God it’s Friday. Oh God, it’s Monday. Sound familiar? This entire concept of “weekend” will vanish. When surviving is your only priority, you don’t really get any days off.
While you won’t be going into your job M-F, you also won’t be relaxing Saturday and Sunday.
42. Solar Devices and Panels Will Be Worth a Lot More
Harnessing some power from the sun will be a luxury. It will be highly desirable to be able to power a few select devices, even if it’s not a lot of power or for very long. If you do have enough solar power to run a small refrigerator or heater, you will be the town’s talk.
Heck, even solar lanterns, solar power banks, and USB rechargeable batteries will set you apart from the average Joe. But again, “the rub” is that you’ll have to defend these devices from your envious neighbors.
43. Small Survival Villages Will Form
A few survival coalitions will make it past the initial hell. These pockets of survivalists will be close-knit groups. They will have the tools, resources, and trust to work together to survive.
They may even carve out a respectable existence given a few years of hard work. In most respects, this survival life will be harder than today, but in a few ways, it might be better.
44. No More Morning Cup of Coffee
Like restaurants, coffee shops will no longer function. So you won’t be able to buy a cup of Joe. If you stockpiled some ahead of time, maybe you have a few grounds lying around. But I highly doubt you’ll stockpile enough for the long haul.
Coffee beans will vanish and become a rare luxury not often found and expensive if you do.
45. Cannibalism Will Become Much More Prevalent
While it’s horrible to consider, you know some people will go there. We know it’s happened in small emergencies in our history (Donner Party). So why would it be any different after TEOTWAWKI takes place?
It’s your choice whether you will go that far, but I assure you, many will.
46. Entitled Attitude Will Be Eradicated
I’m sure you know someone who has an entitled attitude. Heck, look at most teenagers nowadays. Those who have this attitude will not make it. People will quickly realize they are entitled to NOTHING.
Many will decide that this new survival-based life is not worth living. They will voluntarily leave this world behind (i.e., commit suicide).
47. Much Lower Average Age of the Population
Due to the constant threat of starvation, lack of modern medical supplies, and very poor sanitation practices, our population’s average life expectancy will plummet.
This number drop will be due to much higher child mortality rates. Here are 10 ways you will most likely die after the world ends.
48. Body Piercings and Tattoos Will Be Less Popular
Not only will these forms of expression become a distraction from survival, but people who pierce or tattoo themselves will be asking for an infection. Today, if you get an infection, you take some antibiotics and are good to go.
After, a simple infection will often kill without antibiotics to treat it. So the risk/reward equation will suck.
49. Rodent Populations Will Balloon Out of Control
Rats will thrive with poor sanitation practices and a lack of poison control substances. Rodents, in general, have a very short breeding cycle. These cycles are extremely difficult to stop once it starts.
So without any modern control substances, rodents will dominate. They might become some people’s regular source of protein, though. However, rats carry diseases, so it’s a major tradeoff to avoid if possible.
50. People Will Have Worse Teeth
Without any formal dentistry or toothpaste, oral hygiene will suffer. Over time, people’s teeth will rot. Without regular oral hygiene, tooth decay sets in.
Braces will no longer be available to correct crooked teeth.
Today, most children get braces, and most people have nice smiles. In the future, buck and crooked teeth will return to our society in regular doses. So having a DIY Survival Dental Plan is a good idea.
51. No More Elaborate Funerals
If TEOTWAWKI plays out as I fear with mass starvation, thousands (maybe millions) of people won’t get buried at all. They will die in rooms, houses, and on the street without anyone caring to remove them. They will rot, decay, stink, and be left for the vultures.
Those who lose a family member might take the time and energy to perform a simple funeral. It will be a basic hole dug in the backyard. With a basic cross or very basic tombstone. No caskets, no embalming, no hearse.
So you should have a plan to deal with this for your family.
52. Prostitution Will Become Rampant
Like it or not, sex is an ancient bartering tool. It has been around since the very beginnings of civilization. As I heard it once said
“it might just be one of the oldest professions ever.”
Rape will also be rampant. Why pay (i.e., barter) when you can take it? But I think it’s likely for prostitution rings to develop at some point. I’m not condoning it, but it will be a way for some to survive.
53. No More Financial Debts (Student Loans | Mortgages | Taxes)
I’ve got good news for you. Your mortgage, student loans, and credit card debts will all be forgotten. No one will knock on your door, threatening you if you don’t pay them back. Especially not when everyone will be busy just trying to survive.
Traditional finances will be meaningless.
54. Workout Gyms Will No Longer Exist
You’ll be getting a workout in everyday carrying WaterBricks full of water from your water supply to your living quarters. Everyone will be working out, but not to keep their figure slim or their butt tight. They’ll be working to stay alive.
Plus, you’ll want to try and conserve as much energy as possible, not burn it off on purpose. There will be enough energy loss trying to survive.
Beyond that, you’ll want to rest up and try to avoid wasting your precious calories.
55. Children’s Sleepovers Won’t Happen
Your kids won’t go over to their friends’ houses for sleepovers. Why? Because trust will no longer extend past your immediate family. Trust may still reach your extended family, but that’s about it.
If food, water, and heat are scarce resources, the last thing you’ll want is to waste them on someone else’s children. Plus, you won’t trust anyone else with your child either…even for one night.
56. No More Night Clubs or Bars
Do you enjoy a stop-off at your local pub after work, as I do? You better drink up today because that comforting habit will end. Alcohol has better uses in survival than for getting us drunk.
Plus, if you’re drunk, you’re just asking to get taken advantage of in an uncivilized world. Too many people already get taken advantage of today in our “civilized” modern world.
57. Handheld Weapons Will Become More Popular
Guns, ammo, and suppressors will be important, but you won’t want to waste your bullets unnecessarily. You’ll want to carry some other form of self-defense weapon as well. Brass knuckles, monkey fists, and survival knives will be popular choices to carry along with a gun.
Here’s a guide to numerous handheld weapons.
58. Foraging Will Be Popular Until Everything Has Been Scavenged
Foraging will become popular initially when there is still something to forage. Things like wild mushrooms, cattails, and wild onions will quickly become scarce in densely populated areas.
In rural areas, foraging will be a regular activity for survivalists.
Remember, though, foraging is not as easy as it sounds. You need to understand what you are doing to succeed.
59. Less Trust of Strangers
You will no longer feel safe in any sized crowd or even passing a lone stranger on the street. You will quickly learn that blind trust can get you killed. There will be no more holding doors for strangers or friendly greetings.
It’s too bad, but strangers will equal danger after…
↓ How To Start A Neighborhood Survival Coalition ↓
60. Less Sleep In General
The good news is that you will no longer wake up to an alarm clock. Why? Because it won’t work. The bad news is you won’t be getting much sleep at all.
Times will be dangerous, especially at night, and you’ll want to sleep lightly. You will be more on edge and should plan on sleeping in shifts to keep watch.
61. No More Pet Food
We talked earlier about a mass reduction in pet ownership. Well, pet food manufacturers will shut down, too. On top of that, pet food will be eaten by your fellow human beings.
It’s nutritious and calorie dense, and if you’re starving, it will taste amazing.
62. Canned Food “Best Buy” Dates Won’t Matter
Is your canned food expired or past its “Best If Used By” date? Who cares!? That can contain a wealth of valuable calories. Open it up, smell it, and eat it up if it’s not rancid.
63. Hand Crank Devices Will Be Desirable
There are a few devices that you can purchase with hand cranks instead of electrical cords. Two popular ones are radios and lanterns. They are great because the hand cranks are mini electrical generators.
They don’t produce much energy, but they will give you a listen-only radio and a light source without grid power. These devices will be gems after the coming crisis.
64. Neosporin Will Become Desirable
Antibiotic ointments will become a popular barter item. If you scratch your knuckle, would you rather apply some Neosporin or take your chances without it?
Remember, the downside to a bad infection is death. If you’ve stocked some Neosporin, others may trade a lot for it.
65. No More Joint Replacements or Major Surgeries
If your hip is bad or your knee gets crushed, then you’ll have to live with the injury for the rest of your days. There won’t be hip surgeries or knee implants to speak of. Instead, many people will be hobbling around, especially as the surviving population ages.
Here are some tips to help prepare your elders.
66. Vegans Will Convert
Being a vegan is a luxury that modern life allows. But I doubt many will pass up cooked squirrel when they haven’t had a thing to eat for days or even weeks. And if they do pass it up, then they risk death by starvation for their vegan principles.
It will be much harder to avoid starvation if you are picky about your food choices.
67. Makeup | Fragrance | Hair Care Products – All Rare
Makeup, perfume, and hair gel will be rare, and most people won’t have the energy or gumption to care about applying them.Who will want to get dressed up when they haven’t had a shower in a week, and their toilets won’t flush?
Some may use fragrance initially to mask their stench, but eventually, the stuff will run out, and people will get accustomed to the smell.
68. No More Semi-Truck Distribution Networks
There will not be any semi-tracker trailers in operation. The days of mass transit logistics moving goods and food supplies will be over.
However, once things settle down, some traveling merchants may pull basic carts and survival trailers from town to town, trying to make a simple living exchanging goods.
↓ You’re At The Mercy Of The Food Supply Chain (Like It Or Not) ↓
69. Star Gazing & Storytelling Will Be Popular
One form of ancient entertainment that will come back is star gazing. The stars will be incredible after…
The absence of light pollution will bring the brilliant night sky back for your enjoyment.
If you’ve ever seen stars with no light pollution, you know what I’m talking about; it’s spectacular. There will also be more storytelling as a form of entertainment. Why? Because stories don’t require gadgets or money. And youngsters will want to hear Dad tell stories about the “Old Days.”
70. Home Depreciation Will Be More Noticeable
Homeowners will no longer maintain their property. Homes will begin deteriorating the day after and, after just a few years, will be significantly run down, especially the abandoned ones. However, you can pilfer materials from these abandoned homes to keep your house in decent shape, not that you’ll care much about how it looks.
But keeping your home intact is important to protect you from outside elements.
71. No More Weed Control
Similar to no more mowed lawns, weeds will also grow out of control. Everywhere you look…more weeds. In the cracks of roads, sidewalks, and driveways, and every abandoned
If you live near kudzu, you’ll find that it will quickly blanket nearly everything. Kudzu grows extremely fast and will cover everything in its path when left to its own devices. In a decade or so, there won’t be much that isn’t covered by the stuff in the deep South.
72. Stout Shoes | Boots Will Be Worth More
Stout boots and good shoes will be highly desired.
Poor shoes or boots will cause foot problems. Foot problems can lead to all manner of survival disadvantages.
We’ve all seen movies where the protagonist stops to check the dead guy’s boots, searching for an upgrade over his current pair.
73. Board Games, Cards, and Puzzles Will Be Popular
Kids need some form of entertainment and board games, playing cards, and puzzles will fit the bill nicely. No, they’re not as glamorous as video games or cell phones, but they are a lot of fun when options are limited.
My family still enjoys card games at family gatherings, and once we break them out and get going, it’s always a great time.
Check out these survival-playing cards that work for all card games and include some great information, such as “Would you survive if…” questions.
74. Skin Cancer Cases Will Increase
Sunscreen will no longer be readily available, and the little that remains will get used in just a year or two. People should cover themselves up, wear long sleeves, and limit prolonged sun exposure. Most won’t heed this advice.
Who cares about a little sun when you’ve got larger immediate concerns? But slowly at first, then year after year, this attitude will take its toll, and skin cancer will rise.
After a decade or 2, it could become an epidemic, though we may no longer have a doctor’s diagnosis for it.
75. Travel Will Be Rare, And Without GPS
Your traveling days will be over. Why? Because travel will be much more difficult and extremely dangerous. And, if you’re forced to leave, you won’t have GPS navigation to help guide you.
- If you’re lucky, you’ll have a compass and a map.
- If not, then it’s navigation via the sun and stars.
Yes, satellites left in orbit will still be transmitting GPS signals. But without electricity, no devices will be left to collect the data.
76. Air Pollution Will Vanish
Air pollution will no longer be an issue. The overwhelming number of vehicles’ exhaust fumes will dwindle. Most of the electricity generated after TEOTWAWKI will be from alternative sources like solar power generators and windmills.
Meaning that the infamous brown clouds that hover over our major cities will quickly disperse without a continuous stream of fumes to feed their existence.
77. No One Will Give A Damn about Global Climate Change
Concerns over climate change will vanish as quickly as the piles of human excrement accumulate. However, if our earth gets warmer, milder winters would benefit survival.
Just saying…
78. Backyard Pools Will Not Be Used For Fun
One often-overlooked means of water storage is a backyard pool. An entire pool of life-giving water just outside your back door is a nice survival luxury. But have you thought about how best to manage this survival asset?
Your neighbors will want you to share, and that may not be your intention.
How many strangers should you let drink from your pool? Are you willing to shoot trespassers? A backyard pool might be one of those survival blessings that turns into a survival nightmare.
As the old saying goes,
“It’s better to have a neighbor with a pool.”
79. Light Pollution Will Be A Thing Of The Past
Nighttime will bring pitch-black darkness. No more city lights, street lights, house lights…just as dark as dark can be. The only exception will be the occasional full moon.
80. Roving Mobs | Robbers | Muggers Will Be Prevalent and Deadly
Roving gangs and bandits will coalesce and thrive by taking resources from others. They will roam from city to city and from town to town, raping and pillaging to meet needs and desires. You will be confronted with two choices to deal with them.
You can either hide from them or confront them. They will be ruthless and well-armed, so unless your survival coalition is up for a deadly skirmish, avoiding them may be more prudent.
You should plan ahead of time for this inevitability (encountering a large band of survivors with ill intent). Create a plan to hide your resources well and develop an escape route.
Fortifying your home is a good place to start.
81. Suicide Rates Will Increase
Many will decide that such a world is not one worth living in. They will choose not to endure the hardships and suffering and will elect to take the easy way out.
82. People Will Stop Complaining About 1st World Problems
Most 1st world problems and complaints will subside.
Comments such as “Why can’t I get my computer in pink?” or “Are we there yet?” maybe “But I’m hungry now!” or “My digital photos are so disorganized…” will vanish. Those are examples of silly developed world problems and complaints.
They will sound even more ridiculous than they already do today.
83. Families Will Live Closer Together
For most, their families will be the only other humans they can trust. So naturally, families will stick together more. Kids will no longer leave for college and relocate for new jobs on the other side of the country.
Those born in a “small-town” USA will grow up, live, and die in the same small town.
84. No More Showers – Occasional Baths at Best
Showers require water pressure. Water pressure won’t be available at large. Rigging up a gravity-fed shower is possible, but most will not find the effort worth it.
Instead, most people will elect to bathe in rivers, lakes, and ponds – whichever large water source is closest. Most won’t have a warm shower; here’s how you can.
↓ Take Cold Showers – Mental Resiliency Challenge 2 ↓
85. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Will Be Reduced
Upon initial inspection, most believe drug abuse will increase because people will want to escape their new nightmarish reality. That might be true, but recreational drugs will become as rare as life-saving drugs over time.
Alcohol will be kept for sanitizing supplies, cleaning wounds, etc. So while drug and alcohol abuse will not be eliminated, it will no longer be mainstream.
86. New Moms Will Breastfeed
Without access to infant formula, women will have no choice but to breastfeed. If they want to feed their newborns, they need to breastfeed them. I can’t imagine being able to score consistent amounts of baby formula after…
And breastfeeding allows a mom to feed her child without worrying about cleaning and sterilizing bottles, mixing the proper amount of formula, or the luxury of a heated bottle.
87. No More Internet – No More Email
The internet will no longer exist; even if it did, there would be no grid power to run a computer to take advantage of it. No more worrying about your messy email inbox.
88. Old Magazines Will Be Worth More
Playboy magazines will make a comeback. No new issues will be released, but old issues will be popular. These stacks of past issues that have been stashed away for years will finally fetch a healthy bartering price.
89. Digital Photos Will Be Lost
Digital photos stored on computer hard drives or “The Cloud” will be hard (if not impossible) to access. However, physical photos will become beloved and cherished treasures for families.
They won’t have any barter value, but they will have immense personal value.
90. No More National Elections
National elections will be a thing of the past. Without nationwide communication, local leadership groups will dominate. Some of the local leaders may be chosen through elections, but nationwide democracy won’t rise from the ashes.
It’s much more likely that these local leadership groups will resemble oligarchic forms of decision-making.
91. Bathing Suits and Suit & Ties Will Seem Silly
Who’s going to wear a bikini after TEOTWAWKI? The answer is No One. The skimpy bathing suit is 100% style and 0% function.
Suit jackets will become useful for keeping you warm, but a tie is nearly useless as originally intended. Ties are useful for other survival needs, but looking professional is not one of them.
Looking professional will no longer matter.
92. No More Civil Courts and Lawyers
Courts, judges, and lawyers will no longer be around. Individuals or small groups will now handle disputes.
Often, he who has the most firepower and will to use it will typically win a dispute.
93. Credit Scores Will Be Meaningless
Do you have a good or bad credit score? Who cares about that after the world ends? Without trust and computer-based algorithms, credit scores will be meaningless. However, ancient forms of credit may make a comeback.
If you want to borrow something, then give up something of higher value as collateral. You forfeit the collateral if you don’t bring the borrowed item back. This is the oldest form of credit. Today we call it a pawn shop.
94. More Fishing – Overfishing
Fishing will become very popular for thousands of starving people until the lakes and streams get fished out. Fish will be similar to other wildlife – in cities, the waterways will be empty of all life, and fishing will become a daily chore in rural areas.
Stock up on some Yo-Yo Reels now while you still can.
95. Reuse and Keep Items –Hoarding
You won’t be so quick to throw anything away (except for human waste and true garbage). Old appliances, old utensils, and neat survival gadgets will be kept around just in case. A lot of old junk can be repurposed.
96. No More Car Washing or Car Washes
Nobody will be interested in washing a non-functioning vehicle. Plus, car washing is a major waste of water and time.
Both driveway hand washing and automated car washes will become obsolete overnight.
97. No More Income Inequality In The Traditional Sense
The rich will become poor, and the poor will become rich. Well, sort of. The new “rich” will be those of us with key survival skills, knowledge, firepower, and a coalition we can trust. The “poor” will be people who don’t have any survival skills, people who today hire others to care for their everyday life functions.
These current rich folks will be in for a rude awakening.
98. More DIY | Fix It Yourself
If you’re part of a strong survival coalition, then the group will, as a whole, be very self-reliant, but the individuals may not have to be. Members can focus on specific skills they know best. However, those not part of a solid survival coalition must become 100% DIY.
No more calling a professional to service or maintain your stuff. You get to fix things that become broken with the parts you have on hand or that you can scrounge/barter for.
99. No More Daycare
If you have little ones, your family must watch them all day. Existing institutions that watch groups of children so that you can get stuff done will be GONE. You’ll have to watch the children AND get stuff done. And by “stuff” I mean survival tasks.
It’s not going to be easy.
100. Sugary Treats Will Be Rare
Sugary sweets (i.e., candy bars) will become a rare treat. They will no longer be mass-produced and get harder and harder to find as time passes. Well-known brands such as Snickers, Jolly Ranchers, and M&M’s will become as extinct as the saber-tooth tiger.
101. Bigger, Larger, Longer Wildfires
Firefighting will no longer be a full-time job. People will not go into the harsh wilderness to attempt to snuff out a roaring wildfire. Wildfires will burn until their fuel source runs out or the weather changes to rain/snow.
As a result, these uncontrolled wildfires will burn many more acres.
102. Shopping Malls and “Going Shopping” Won’t Exist
The idea of “going shopping” and “shopping malls” will vanish. Malls will likely become abandoned ghost towns cleaned out by opportunistic scavengers.
103. No More Welfare Handouts
Without a national government, we will no longer have forced redistribution policies. Those relying on handouts will be thrown to the wolves.
National welfare handout programs will be a thing of the past.
104. National Parks Boundaries Won’t Matter
National parks will still be around because their stunning beauty won’t up and disappear. However, no one is left to maintain or control their activities. Nor will there be tourist visitors.
Instead, there will be people living there and people passing through. Park authorities will have long ago abandoned their post to protect their own families.
105. Amusement Parks Will Be Abandoned
No more rides down “Splash Mountain” or the “Double Dragon.” Amusement parks take an enormous amount of labor and significant funds to operate. They will be one of the very first places abandoned.
Amusement parks will become sad, deteriorating reminders of a life that once was…
Final Thoughts
As you can tell, things will be drastically different for a very long time after TEOTWAWKI. The world will no longer function due to widespread civil unrest. And we will be thrown backward in time without law and order.
What’s the likely hood of such a horrible reality? To me, the odds still feel fairly low… Yes, there will be future chaos and tragedies; there’s no escaping THAT! But TEOTWAWKI…is another story.
However, while the odds are still low, I also feel like the likelihood is growing. Our interconnected, technologically advancing world is becoming more fragile by the minute. Want proof? Watch my video of America’s biggest threats:
↓ America’s Biggest Threats In 2023+ ↓
How might such an event occur?
- Maybe it’s a deadly, highly infectious disease that wipes out 90% of the world’s population.
- Maybe it’s a Nationwide EMP that causes unrepairable electrical infrastructure damage. Bad enough that it cannot be recovered before all hell breaks loose.
- Perhaps it’s an economic collapse that wipes out ALL wealth
- Maybe it’s World War III or an all-out Nuclear War.
The time to prepare is NOW.
Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,
P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!
I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.
To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.
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