Guide To Finding (& Using) A Nuclear Fallout Map
Because how else can you know if you’re living in a high risk (or low) risk area? You can’t…unless you use a nuclear fallout map and run a simulation.
If you use such an interactive map, you’ll see a visual impact of a nuke to your closest city…
For example: This excellent documentary shows a detailed simulation for a nuclear blast in an urban setting:
↓ Simulation of a Nuclear Blast in a Major City
Now while THAT video was eye opening, it’s not enough…
YOU must run a simulation to find out how dangerous your specific location is… It’s the BEST way to answer:
Would I survive a nuclear bomb? AND Where would the fallout go?
TOPICS IN THIS GUIDE… ↓(click to jump)
- Best Nuclear Fallout Map
- What Are Primary Nuclear Targets?
- Ways To Survive A Nuclear Attack…
- 3 Common Nuclear Explosion Myths
- Why You Should Use Nuclear Mapping
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Sorry Google Maps, you don’t provide the information we’re looking for… But here’s an excellent step-by-step guide to using this Nuclear mapping software (made by Alex Wellerstein):
↓ Nuke Map: Interactive Nuclear Bomb Map
Because in today’s modern world, the nuclear threat is alive and well.
In some ways, it’s even scarier than the cold war days… At least in the cold war days, the massive game of chicken was offset by mutual destruction. Nowadays, a nuke in the hands of terrorists makes the mutual standoff much less likely.
Suicide bombers don’t care about mutual destruction… To them, THAT’s the point!
Or how about a rogue nation like North Korea that continues progressing with its nuclear capabilities? It’s only a matter of time before this unstable nation can reach the western coast of the U.S.
Or when does Russia get desperate enough to attack NATO (or the United States) as the Ukraine War escalates?
What Are Nuclear-Armed Terrorists Primary Targets?
The answer is pure speculation and discussion-worthy all on its own… However we can make a few reasonable guesses.
A terrorist with a nuke would want to get the best possible return on investment… That means maximum deaths. More deaths = more terror (and terrorists are in the business of terrorizing).
That makes me think they would attack high density locations. Major cities or large events.
The other locations I would suspect could be a target are any U.S. military or U.S. government facilities (white house, federal buildings, air-force bases, etc.).
Here’s a website that gives you maps of the state-by-state nuclear threats. It’s a bit older (2002) but still provides relevant visual nuclear threat data.
When it comes to the chilling realm of nuclear weaponry, size most certainly matters. The magnitude of destruction a nuclear bomb can unleash hinges on its yield, measured in kilotons or megatons.
A tiny increment in size can equate to a seismic escalation in devastation.
- A low-yield tactical nuke, at around 1 kiloton, can obliterate a city block.
- While a megaton-class behemoth can decimate an entire metropolis in a flash of blinding light and heat.
Understanding these grim gradations of power is not just for the paranoid prepper. But a stark reminder of the grave consequences lurking within the nuclear arsenals of nations.
In a world where preparation is paramount, comprehending the nuances of nuclear weapons sizes is knowledge that can, quite literally, be a lifesaver.
What’s The Best Way To Survive A Nuclear War?
The best way to survive a nuclear attack is to avoid one in the first place. Don’t live near a major city (like Los Angeles)!
- Hopefully, you do not…but what about your extended family?
- Do you have an Uncle in New York?
- A Sister in Denver?
- A Grandparent in San Francisco?
In my opinion: Living near the most densely populated cities carries a lot of risk. I suggest you share this nuclear detonation map website with friends and family. Maybe they’ll think twice about renting that high-end downtown loft…
Want a free Danger Zone County Report?
Click here to download this report and see if you're in a Danger Zone County (or not). No purchase necessary.3 Common Nuclear Explosion Myths
Myth #1: “A nuclear explosion will always result in instant death.”
This notion couldn’t be further from reality. While the initial blast of a nuclear explosion is undoubtedly catastrophic. But it’s a common myth that anyone caught within its radius is doomed to instant obliteration.
Survivors situated at a certain distance from the epicenter might endure serious injuries. Yes, but with the right strategies and preparations, their chances of survival can be enhanced.
Myth #2: “A nuclear winter is inevitable after a large-scale nuclear exchange.”
The concept of a nuclear winter paints a grim picture of a frozen wasteland. But the truth is more nuanced.
Yes, a large-scale nuclear conflict could indeed inject substantial amounts of debris into the atmosphere. And this could potentially leading to temporary climate changes.
The extent and duration of such an event are still subjects of scientific debate.
It’s essential not to succumb to fatalism. But instead focus on honing your nuclear survival skills.
Myth #3: “I’m safe if I hide in my basement.”
Yes, seeking refuge in a sturdy underground space can provide some level of protection. This goes for both the immediate radiation and blast effects. But it’s critical to understand that surviving a nuclear event extends far beyond simply finding a hiding spot.
Properly stocking your shelter with essentials like food, water, medical supplies, and communication tools is key. Moreover, knowing the right decontamination procedures will be crucial to avoid radiation sickness.
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1. Fallout Prediction
Predicting the spread of nuclear fallout is a complex task. But nuclear map softwares takes the guesswork out of it.
By accessing the latest meteorological data and coupling it with information on nuclear facilities, wind patterns, and geographical features, you can anticipate the movement of dangerous particles with remarkable accuracy.
This predictive power can help you plan your evacuation route or hunker down in the safest location.
2. Resource Allocation
In any survival situation, resources are scarce and must be used wisely. Nuclear map software helps you identify contamination-free zones, ensuring that your resources are allocated efficiently.
Whether it’s finding clean water sources, growing crops, or scavenging for supplies… Knowing the radiation landscape can be a game-changer in your resource management strategy.
4. Staying Informed
Information is your greatest ally in any crisis. Nuclear map software provides a steady stream of updates and alerts. They can keeping you in the loop about any changes in radiation levels or potential nuclear threats.
Staying informed is not just about reacting to immediate dangers but also about making well-informed decisions for the long haul.
Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,
P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!
I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.
To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.
Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes.Why You Can Trust Skilled Survival...
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P.s - I just took this FREE 60-second 'Readiness Score Quiz'👇AND... I've still got a few gaps in my preps...🤔 But at least, I'm not part of 'The Fragile Masses'. 👍 Find out where YOU stand by answering a few questions...
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