Perhaps… you’ve asked yourself: “How Bad Things Will Things Get Where I Live IF SHTF?” Today I’m going to answer to THAT important question.
The ultimate guide to help you decide between a battle belt vs chest rig to best suit your survival, combat or self defense goals.
When thinking about concealed carry, the first choice you must make is: Revolver vs semi-auto. Let's go over pros and cons of each.
Read my deep dive analysis into the best survival guns for each survival scenario based on best caliber options.
Use this simple 6 step action plan to successfully plan and build a homestead to survive (and thrive) even if the world falls into chaos...
If you don't learn from the past, you're doomed to repeat it. Learn these 12 lessons from surviving The Great Depression before it's too late.
There are 2 reasons to form a survival coalition when SHTF. First: you are only one person. Second: you may be surrounded by neighbors.
Want a large emergency food stockpile but living in cramped quarters? Don't let this ruin your preparedness passion! Try these unique food storage ideas.
The DIY bunkers are innovative, durable, waterproof and 100% worth building! In this guide, we review the best ones to make your search easy.
What roles do we expect our survival rifles to play? Let’s examine the best survival rifles for accomplishing five survival categories.
You have enough food, water, weapons and ammo to get you through but FAILED because you didn’t have a plan for the inevitable SHTF sleep deprivation.
Use strategic relocation to find a safe, defendable location to call home. Your choice of location WILL determine your survival fate.
Zote soap is a simple, effective, and natural cleaning bar that's ideal for everyday use and emergencies. It has many "odd" uses as well.
Start spending more time on these overlooked prepping skills to ensure you're ALWAYS a valuable member of any coalition.
If you're serious about prepping, start working through this list of 10 OVERLOOKED prepper supplies. It'll make you much more resilient.
Here are the must-own pieces of prepper gear EVERY home should own before the next major crisis, with specific gear recommendations.
Discover the real meaning behind Don't Tread On Me - and how it's still relevant today. The history of the Gadsden Flag is an important one.
When seed saving and seed storage, you must do it right. Learn how to store seeds so they'll thrive the next planting season.
Who's a prepper? Who's not? Is prepping worth your time and energy? I answer all these questions to sort fact from fiction.
The best DIY generators are innovative, simple, powerful and 100% worth building! In this guide, we review the best builds on the market to make your search easy.
Have you ever stopped to ask WHY prepare? And are you mentally strong enough for the moral challenges surviving in the midst of chaos brings?
If you want to get prepared FAST you need a trusted guide. This 30 day prepper challenge will get you way more prepare in just 30 days.
Stockpile each of these small, affordable, long shelf-life barter items today, that will explode in demand and price after a major collapse.
Future government control will worsen in the coming decades due to these two massive technological forces. Prepare yourself for tyranny.
Today I cover all the ways in which the world ends...These are the 9 biggest threats to society, humanity as we know it.
Have you ever stopped to think about how everyday life would change after TEOTWAWKI? Here are 105 ways your life will never be the same.
You should be spending way more time on the following under-appreciated prepping topics and way less time on all these overhyped ones.
Long term fuel storage is crucial in all survival situations, but fuels must be stored properly and safely to keep, especially long term gasoline storage.
Don't make these costly prepping mistakes. Instead take the time to learn from others who've already made them, so you can avoid them.
Prepping is based on wisdom going back centuries. Here are the best 23 quotes on preparedness I've found to prove it's wise and not wack.
This ultimate online privacy guide will show you exactly (step by step) how to protect your sensitive personal information online.