Prepper Checklist: 78 Items You Should Stock & WHY

By "Just In Case" Jack | Updated: 11/06/2023

Preppers Checklist Cover with gas mask and SHTF backgroundA Complete Prepper Checklist On WHAT To Stash & WHY

Because without a checklist, it’s easy to overlook critical supplies and gear. Sure, everyone remembers the big-ticket items—food, water, maybe even a trusty flashlight.

But what about those lesser-known lifesavers that can make or break a survival plan?

You know, the little things that don’t seem like a big deal until you desperately need them—like a can opener when you’re staring down a pile of sealed food cans, or extra socks when your first pair turns into a soggy disaster.

This prepper list ensures you have what you need, no matter what the world throws at us:

Grid Doctor With EMP Intercept Technology

Wishing Well With Wooden Bucket On A Barren Landscape

Prepper Checklist: Water Tools & Supplies

“When the well is dry, we learn the worth of water.” – Benjamin Franklin

For SHTF, you’ll want a large, abundant source of drinking water at your disposal.

  • Maybe you live near a river, lake, pond, or stream.
  • Or perhaps you have your own water well.

These are all great options in a crisis, as long as they avoid contamination or don’t dry up.

  • But what’s your backup plan should your water source become compromised?
  • Or what if you don’t have a reliable water source if the taps run dry?

Consuming contaminated water will make you sick. And can even kill you in some circumstances.

Worst yet, having no water will kill you even faster… We all know the body needs continuous hydration to function. It only takes a few days to die without water. So,  stock up on waterNO exceptions!

YOU decide how much… These are the tools to you do it right:

1. Plastic Water Storage Containers

30 Gallons (6 Jug) Bundle

The Legacy Premium Water Storage System is the simplest way to store water without taking up a ton of storage space. How? They’re stackable. They’re like Lego bricks for water storage. So they easily fit into nearly ANY size (or shape) space with ease.

You can even spread them out between 3 or 4 closets (if necessary). And hauling is easy with the built-in handle. Plus, each holds just 5 gallons. But THAT’s a plus.

It’s only 42 lbs. when full. So you can move them around without throwing out your back!

Ten of these containers stash about 50 gallons of potable water. Why not just use a 50-gallon food-grade drum instead? Because they’re extremely heavy when full.

Have you ever tried to move a 50-gallon drum?

Fifty gallons of water weighs 415.8 lbs. And the container itself adds a few pounds. I don’t know about you, but there’s zero chance I can move 415+ lbs. of water. I’d have to empty it first.

So, if forced to change locations (due to unforeseen circumstances), I’d have to leave my water behind. But with these stackables, I’d grab one in each hand and toss them into my bug out vehicle.

Contamination IS A Threat

In a disaster, the cleanliness of your surroundings will degrade. Especially if you have kids around…

They like to put their grubby hands on everything!

The last thing you want is 55-gallons of contaminated water. I’d rather the little ones (or myself by accident) ruin a 5 gallon supply. Leaving the other untapped containers still safe to drink.

These are the reasons why I chose these Legacy Premium Water Containers. Get a few today and easily add more as your needs grow.

Plus, if you get the 30-gallon package (6 containers), you’ll get some bonus features:

  • A handy cap wrench (to ensure you lock and seal these containers)
  • Two spigots (this allows you to tap into two jugs at the same time). Ideal for separating sanitation and consumption streams.
  • Water Purification Treatment Solution (the perfect amount for 30 gallons).

2. Rainwater Collection System

In a worst-case scenario, you’ll eventually run out of the water. At that point, you’ll replenish or die.

If you live near a river, lake, or stream, (or have a backyard pool), you’re set. YOU can skip ahead and forgo a rainwater collection system. For EVERYONE else, devise a plan to collect H2O from the sky.

At a minimum, get a sturdy rain barrel with a spigot at the bottom. Install the barrel under a downspout. However, you can do better.

Here’s an article on this topic and how to set up these rainwater collection systems.

Note: if the emergency is nuclear, rainwater may be contaminated with fall out. For these disasters, you need a nuclear shelter near your home.

3. Water Filter & Purification Tools

The AlexaPure Pro

Whatever water storage system you choose, you’ll need a filtration and purification plan. Why? Because consuming untreated water is risky.

Only chance it if you’re 100% certain the water is free of harmful contaminants. But after a major disaster, those pristine rivers, lakes, and streams may no longer be safe. Get an AlexaPure Pro Water Filtration System.

It’s the ULTIMATE gravity-fed water filtration solution.

4. Bottles of Bleach

Just a few drops of bleach can purify a LOT of water. How? By killing any harmful bacteria within. And while consuming bleach sounds scary, trace amounts are safe.

3 Pack Of Bleach (121 oz.) And bleach is very easy to stockpile.

You can buy it in bulk at reasonable prices. One downside is it has a shorter shelf life. Combat this by replacing it every few years. But isn’t that just a waste of money?

Not really, because:

  1. It’s so cheap
  2. It’s readily available
  3. You don’t need much

It only takes a few drops of bleach vs. the total volume of water. It can also double as a cleaning agent. So, it’s one of those “multi-use / multi-purpose” items preppers LOVE to stockpile.

Check this one off your preppers checklist today.

Note: Bleach cannot remove water contaminated with chemicals, oils, poisonous substances, sewage, or any physical item contamination.

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Prepper Checklist: Food Tools & Supplies

There’s no avoiding it… We have to replace the calories we burn. Because NOT replacing calories is called starvation.

I’ll save you the gruesome details, but trust me, starvation is a horrible way to die. Yes, dehydration kills faster, but the agony period is shorter.

With starvation, it can take a month (or more) for the body to perish. It’s a slow, painful way to go! So stockpile some today and avoid this horrible fate.

5. Freeze Dried Meals & Canned Meats

First, freeze-dried meals are the quickest way stockpile calories. But it’s not the cheapest option (we’ll cover THAT shortly).

Choose a trusted vendor, and get a large variety of easy-to-make meals.

  • Each meal’s packaged in Mylar bags.
  • These meals will be put into stackable bins.
  • And the entire delivery comes to your front door.

Boom! You now have a bunch of nutritious freeze dried meals in a pouch. Just toss one in boiling water, stir, and enjoy a tasty meal in minutes.

These meals are incredibly shelf-stable. They’re guaranteed up to 25+ years. Why? Because the food is freeze-dried and packaged in Mylar bags with nitrogen. This means you don’t have to worry about rotation.

Also, these pre-packaged meals are both nutritious and delicious. So you don’t need additional spices to make your “bags of rice palatable. It’s the ultimate “set it and forget it solution.

It’s the best way to go IF you have the funds. I recommend Valley Food Storage.

Click here to see their deals or here to read my detailed review.

Canned Meat

I also recommend you stockpile canned meats. In a long-term emergency, proteins will be hard to come by. Why? Because meats spoil quickly without refrigeration. All those frozen steaks will spoil within days in a power outage.

Instead, you need shelf-stable meat without refrigeration.

Survival Fresh Canned Meat Selection

Survival Fresh Canned Meats

That’s why you get some Survival Fresh canned meats.

First off, these meats are delicious. Just check some of these reviews; they speak for themselves. Preppers, campers, and meat lovers all rate them as one of the “best survival foods” of all time.

The bottom line is:  This isn’t your father’s can of Spam! And not only does it taste great, but they have an ultra-long shelf-life of 25 years! Giving you confidence to buy in bulk. But how does Survival Fresh last so much longer than grocery store canned meats?

Survival Fresh seals uncooked meat into cans first. Only then is it slow-pressure cooked. This process provides a much longer shelf life. 

So, while grocery store cans of meat are lucky to have an 18-month shelf life, Survival Fresh is good for 25 years! And those grocery store options are loaded with fillers, preservatives, and growth hormones.

Survival Fresh Meats are an all-natural healthy protein.

The bottom line: Freeze-dried foods and canned meats could become the best investment you ever make. Why? Because if it pays off, you avoid starvation!  That’s an excellent return on your dollars if you ask me…

Your other option is the ‘Do It Yourself’ route…

6. DIY Food Stockpiling

Many people choose this option to save money. But it takes MORE time, effort, and planning.

First, get a list of the best long-shelf-life foods. Most are core stables like:

  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Wheat
  • Dried pasta
  • Etc.

Then, buy bulk online or at your local grocer. Price shop for the best deals based on a cost-per-calorie basis!

Once you bring these home:

  1. Divide them into large Mylar bags.
  2. Add oxygen absorbers into each bag before sealing (to remove any remaining oxygen).
  3. Vacuum seal each bag.
  4. Placing these bags into food-grade plastic buckets with sealable lids (they keep critters from snacking on your stockpile).
  5. Store them in a cool, dry, vermin-free location.

All these ‘extra steps’ prolong the shelf life of your stockpile. But as you can see, there are several steps in this process…

You need to educate yourself to avoid any costly mistakes. And small mistakes can jeopardize your hard work. And so far, all we’ve talked about is bulk foods like rice and beans. But nobody wants to eat plain rice and beans forever.

Yes, that can work for short-term emergencies. But eating unseasoned rice and beans gets old fast. So, add seasonings and spices to your stockpile as well. Plus, get some other tasty items, such as peanut butter powder.

Food Rotation

And this is where food rotation comes into play. If you buy five large jars of peanut butter, consume them from oldest to newest.

When your family finishes one jar, consume the oldest remaining peanut butter next. And then buy a new peanut butter to add to the back of your inventory. The same idea goes for grocery store canned goods or anything under a decade of shelf life.

This is food rotation; it’s a process. You must stick to it.  If you don’t rotate, food will expire and spoil. Which would be a waste of energy, time, and money.

Or worse, if you try consuming it out of desperation, you could get severely ill. It’s the last thing you want in a worst-case emergency.

But again, DIY food stockpiling is the most affordable way to stockpile calories. No argument here. Do it right to avoid disastrous mistakes.

I do some of both.

  • I bought food from (Valley Food Storage).
  • AND I’ve bought lots of rice and beans a grocer as well.

7. Daily Multivitamins

Stock up on some good daily multivitamins. After SHTF, getting all the essential nutrients in your diet won’t be easy. A daily dose multivitamin ensures you’re getting everything you need.

Plus, you can use them as a barter item in a pinch. Anyone severely nutrition deficient will trade A LOT for them.

8. Cooking Fuel Source

Never assume you’ll have access to standard cooking methods. I’m talking about natural gas or electricity. But to cook your meals, you’ll need to boil water (for freeze-dried meals).

There are several ways to do this:

  • You could stockpile kerosene.
  • You could look at propane.
  • Or you could buy a small heater stove with fuel canisters.

But fuel is complicated to store in large quantities. And can create a safety hazard. So, firewood is the best solution for most.

Lots and lots of firewood.

You need space to store a lot of firewood (so there are tradeoffs). But firewood will provide an alternative heat source necessary to boil water.

Another “cooking” option is using the power of the Sun.

The Sun Oven

Using the Sun to cook is an ancient practice. But nowadays, it’s easier than ever with a solar oven.

The Sun Oven is an incredible invention. It’s a must-own device for most preppers. It’s not the cheapest piece of gear you’ll buy. But it’s one of the best.

And the Sun Oven even works on partly cloudy days.

Plus, if you’re not in a hurry, you can use it to boil water. So, this device ensures you can cook your meals in an emergency.

↓ 10 Prepper Supplies To Stockpile BEFORE The Next Crisis

Prepper Checklist: Clothes & Warmth Tools

Most of us have more clothes than we know what to do with. A massive lineup of unworn garments crammed into the back of the closet. Unloved and forgotten. But acquiring a few ‘extras’ is a good idea when planning for the worst.

Because after a disaster, purchasing new clothes will be off the table. You’ll have to make do with what you have. But not all clothes are created equal.

Focus on sturdy and warm attire (especially if you live in cooler climates).

9. Spare Clothes

You need extra tough and warm clothes. I recommend:

Take inventory; make sure you’re comfortable with your spares.

Warmth and longevity are way more important than fashion. That’s why I trust brands such as Carhartt.

10. Sewing | Supplies

Home Economics 101 – Sewing. It’s not quite a lost art (yet)… But the trend is not looking good. But YOU don’t have to fall victim to today’s throw-away society.

Don’t you dare toss those blue jeans with a hole in the knees! Instead, mend my friend. Get a sewing kit and learn how to patch ‘em up. Don’t plan on using a sewing machine because they rely on electricity. Unless you produce plenty of off-grid power.

If so, then you can rely on a sewing machine. Because you’re not affected should the grid go down. For everyone else, get a sewing kit and learn how to use it.

11. Survival Gloves

I almost lumped gloves with the rest of the “spare clothes” category. But then I thought better of it…

Tactical gloves are crucial for protecting your hands from:

  • Cold
  • Splinters
  • Cuts & Scraps
  • Pinches
  • Etc.

Because even a scraped knuckle could turn into a deadly infection without antibiotics. And with the right set of tactical gloves, you won’t lose dexterity. That way, you can use your survival knife (or a firearm) without taking them off.

So, stock up on several.

12. Tactical Boots

Tactical boots also deserves its own category. Because healthy feet are a critical resource in survival mode.

If you don’t care for your feet, you’ll become a liability in an emergency. Blisters, bruises, and rolled ankles will slow you down. So, don’t go cheap on footwear.

There’s a reason why soldiers often stole the boots off a dead comrade in WWI. If the boots were the same size and in better shape, they upgraded on the spot.

13. Stocking Cap | Neck Gaiters

If you live in cooler climates, you already have a few stocking caps. And probably a few high-quality neck gaiters as well. Because venturing into the cold without proper gear can lead to frostbite (or hypothermia). So, bundling up is your best line of defense.

If you’re looking for a good neck gaiter, go with this one by American Gunner.

NOTE: At the time this post was published, you could get one for FREE if you paid S&H. Click here to see if this deal is still available…

Midnight Camo

This cloth face shield provides the following:

  • Ultimate UV Protection
  • Protection From Wind & Snow
  • It’s Lightweight & Breathable
  • Perfect For Hunting, Fishing, Biking & Bugging Out
  • Protection From Insects
  • One Size Fits All

Choose between BlackMidnight Camo | American Wood

14. Hand and Toe Warmers

Add a few body-warming packets to your bug out bag…just in case. But save them for serious emergencies only.

For example: To prevent the onset of frostbite. Because you can’t afford to lose your fingers or toes in survival. That would be “game over”…

15. Rain Poncho (with A Hood)

Nothing drains heat from your body (and soul) faster than hiking in drenched clothes. It’s miserable in the warm. And dangerous in the cold.

This Princeton study shows:

“Generally conductive heat loss accounts for only about 2% of the overall loss. However, with wet clothes, the loss is increased 5x.”

So, add a few ponchos to your stockpile. And they’re lightweight and take up very little space.

Yes, one with these features costs more… But it’s worth it because if you’re cold and wet, hypothermia is coming.

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kerosene tank

Prepper Checklist: Heating & Warmth Supplies

What’s your backup heat plan? Perhaps it’s a stockpile of kerosene and a heater. But unless you stockpile a lot, you’ll run fast… This solution won’t last an entire winter, right?

So, what’s a well-prepared survivalist to do?

16. Traditional Woodstove

This might only be possible for some. But it’s the BEST option. Wood stoves are an incredible invention.

Having a wood stove and a massive pile of firewood is a dream setup for preppers. The newest models can heat an entire home using very little firewood. But abundant firewood access is a must.

Maybe you’re blessed with access to downed trees on your property. These trees equate to “free” heat to keep you warm all winter long.

If you can’t install a large wood stove, get a smaller, portable tent stove instead. These are miniature wood stoves perfect for camping OR an emergency. Port the fumes outside to prevent toxic air buildup.

17. Alternative Energy and Traditional Heater

Another option is to pair a traditional heater with alternative energy. Here are the most popular options:

Each of these energy sources has its pros and cons.

  • Some can be scaled up, while others cannot.
  • For some, investing in one extensive system makes sense.
  • While others may prefer to build several smaller ones.

The bottom line is: Getting off the grid is a real game-changer. Not only for heat but everything we use electricity for.

18. Tact Bivvy

TACT Bivvy In HandThe unprepared will eventually run out of furniture to burn. So, instead, get an emergency sleeping bag.

One for each family member. Because the coldest hours occur in the middle of the night. When you’re asleep! These bitter cold temps and lack of activity are a real danger.

A bivy is a survival tool to prevent this horrible outcome. The best ones trap 90+% of your body heat. Traditional sleeping bags also do this, but they’re not as good at it. They’re made from cotton or synthetic polymers. They don’t hold in your body heat like a Tact Bivvy.

A Tact Bivvy is made with a space-age material that traps up to 90% of your body heat. So even on the coldest nights, you’ll stay above freezing-to-death temps. Even better, pair this TACT Bivvy with a high-quality, low-temperature sleeping bag. And the combo will up your chances of surviving the cold in a pinch.

Heck, even if you DO have a wood stove, you should still invest as a “last resort.” And it makes sense to store one in your vehicle’s glove box for winter emergencies.

So get one for each family member and put one in every vehicle you own.

↓ Emergency Warmth Shelter Review

portable solar panel and phone

Prepper Checklist: Small Energy Devices

Next up are a few small devices you can use to generate some electricity.

19. BioLite CampStove 2+

CampStove 2+

Most new technologies make our society more complacent (and less self-reliant). But that doesn’t mean ALL new technologies are bad. Some do the opposite… They make us MORE self-reliant.

The BioLite CampStove 2+ is such a technology…here’s why. It cooks your food and charges your smartphone at the same time. To me, this portable stove that kills two birds with one stone.

This is a dream scenario for prepared survivalists.

20. Light-Weight Rugged Solar Charger

Most of us will have some electronics in our emergency kits, right? And these electronics are worthless without electricity! So, add a solar charger to your prep list.

Skilled Survival’s go-to charger is the Anytime Charge Solar Power Bank. Why? Because it’s one of the most durable, compact, and cost-effective ones on the market today. But don’t let its compact size fool you.

It has a massive 10,000 mAh battery! This battery storage is enough to charge ALL your devices multiple times over. Plus, with dual charging outputs, you can charge multiple devices simultaneously!

Simply plug in your devices and press the power button. Your device will begin to charge immediately.

 And recharging with the Anytime Solar Bank couldn’t be easier.

Just leave it in the sun, and it will fill the battery bank ANYWHERE. Plus, it’s splash-resistant and comes with an emergency flashlight in a pinch.

NOTE: When this article was published, you could snag some bonus Tactical Flashlights For FREE when you buy multiple Anytime Solar Chargers.

Click here now to see if this deal is still available!

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Man Starting A Fire In The Woods 1

Prepper Checklist: Fire-Starting Tools & Gear

Fire is lifeblood in survival. You need it to:

  • Purify water
  • Cook food
  • Nighttime warmth and safety
  • And it’s a morale booster

But if your lighter runs out or your matches get wet? Well, then you’re out of luck… Unless you stock up on some backup fire-starting tools.

EVERYONE should stock three independent fire-starting tools…

21. Stormproof Matches

UCO Stormproof Match Kit

These Storm Proof Matches are the real deal. Regular matches are not good enough. When cardboard matches get wet, they’re worthless. But with these, you can dunk them, stomp on them, break them, and they’ll still light.

And while having a nice stash of survival matches is wise, it’s not enough… You should also invest in a Ferro Rod Striker.

22. Ferro Rod Striker

Ferro Rods work great if you know what you’re doing. This fire striker is fantastic, with 20,000+ strikes. With this affordable Ferro rod, you’ll never run out of sparks again.

Just make sure you practice with it before relying on it for emergencies.

23. Electric Lighter

A lighter is a lighter, right? Not anymore.

  • Will a cheap BIC lighter work after dropping it in a river? Nope.
  • Will a cheap BIC lighter’s flame stay lit in 80 MPH winds? Nope.

Tough Tesla Lighter For Car Kit in EmergencyThat’s why you should spend a few extra dollars on this new tool:

A Rechargeable Coil Lighter Why? Because this lighter doesn’t use fuel. It uses electricity to create a windproof and waterproof arc. Plus, it recharges by USB port.

Recharge with an electrical outlet, solar charger, or hand crank radio. Or pair a Tough Tesla lighter with an ANYTIME solar charger, and you’ll ALWAYS have the power of fire. No matter what comes…

24. Tinder

Skilled survivalists can find tinder in the wilderness. But what about regular folks? Most use old, crumpled-up newspapers. But what happens when the junk mail stops showing up?

Tinder is one area many people overlook… Because they don’t realize just how hard it is to start a fire without tinder.

Here are some options that work well for this. Or you can go with cotton balls… And you can buy them in bulk. They work even better with a small dab of Vaseline.

And Vaseline is another fantastic item to stock.

25. Small Magnifying Glass | Fresnel Lens

Use a Fresnel lens to start a fire. Magnification focuses light into dense energy. Dense energy is full of heat. This energy can start a fire.

Fresnel Lenses are a wise backup Firestarter to add to your supplies.

Prepper Checklist: First Aid Kits & Medical Supplies

Never rely solely on medical professionals in a worst-case, prolonged emergency. Why? Because they won’t be available (they’ll be home saving their own families). OR hospitals are too dangerous and must be avoided.

In either case, we may face the reality of becoming our own physicians. Plan for it. You’ll want basic tools and knowledge to care for your family’s medical needs.

Start with first aid supplies.

26. Personal Medications

Stock up on as much personal medications as you can. There’s NO guarantee you can get more in a worst-case emergency.

27. Antibiotics

Got survival antibiotics? Before the invention of antibiotics, even a tiny scratch could turn deadly.

Infections are hard to beat, especially once they enter the bloodstream.

In a worst-case disaster, doctors may not be available. And impossible to get an antibiotic prescription. Instead, you have to survive on what you stockpiled.

THAT’s why antibiotics are on this list. However, there’s no easy way to load up on prescription antibiotics.

Doctors control the amount each patient can purchase. So, the next best thing is to get a variety of antibiotics for fish and bird antibiotics. Do some more research on which varieties to buy.

The bottom line is:

I’d rather have “something” to fight an infection than be a helpless victim in a crisis. 

28. Wound Gauze Roll

Gauze is the ideal dressing for bad cuts or severe burns. It’s light and takes up very little space.

29. Surgical Tape

This stuff is made to keep gauze, pads, and bandages in place.

30. Band-Aids | Mole Skin Pads

Band-Aids are the best solution for minor cuts and lacerations. They help keep open wounds clean and protected. This can prevent an infection from developing.

You should also add a few moleskin pads for blisters. Band-Aids don’t stay in place on active feet, but moleskin will.

31. Neosporin (or similar salve)

Add this cream to any cut or laceration to prevent infections.

32. Pain Killers

For minor aches and pains, these can keep you going. Painkillers will take the edge off of serious injuries.

You should also consider foraging wild lettuce, a natural pain remedy.

33. Vaseline

We mentioned Vaseline earlier as a fire accelerant. But this stuff is great for chapped lips, dry skin, and rashes.

Add some to your medical kit.

34. Blood Clotting Sponge

Nasty, deep wounds won’t clot on their own. You must apply intense pressure to the wound for a long time.

These Quick Clot Sponges help with this life-or-death effort.

35. Super Glue

Super glue can seal up small cuts. Plus, it comes in handy for other survival uses.

36. Sterile Alcohol Pads

Clean all wounds early and often with these alcohol wipes. They help clean wounds, killing infection-causing bacteria.

37. Hydrogen Peroxide

Use hydrogen peroxide to keep wounds clean and bacteria-free.

38. Tourniquet

IF you need one, you’ll be thankful you stocked it. Tourniquets help stop blood loss in a severed leg or arteries.

Belts work in a pinch, but you’d rather have the real deal.

39. Cotton Swabs

Use Q-tips to clean your ears. Excess wax in your ears can lead to infection. And buildup muffles your hearing.

Clear hearing is a survival advantage. They’re also ideal for applying small dabs of medical salves.

Lastly, tear off the cotton ends and use them as tinder. They’re lightweight and valuable, so buy a few hundred.

40. Tweezers and Nail Clippers

Pack a sharp set of tweezers. They get slivers out fast.

Add a good set of nail clippers to avoid hangnails.

I bite my nails and occasionally get an infected hangnail. Once my finger got so infected, I had to take pain pills. And I lost my entire fingernail a few weeks later.

Don’t make the same mistake. Take care of your nails properly.

41. Insect Repellent

Mosquitos are a nuisance and can transmit diseases. So add some repellent spray with high amounts of DEET.

42. Sunscreen

Stock up on a decent amount of this stuff. Save it for the worst days only. Otherwise, keep your skin covered with long sleeves and hats (even on warm days).

Get one with an SPF30, like this one. Higher SPFs are just a marketing ploy.

shower head

Prepper Checklist: Personal Hygiene Supplies

IF you enjoy daily hot showers, get ready for an abrupt change. Water will be hard to come by post-disaster. Heating it to comfortable levels will be an extreme luxury. Why? Because it takes a ton of energy to heat water. And how will you create the pressure to run water through a showerhead?

So after SHTF, it’ll be the return of the occasional bath; like in ancient times.

The point is: Modern hygiene and sanitation depend on grid power and water distribution systems. If these modern wonders go away…

Your hygiene will suffer!

43. Soap

Stock up on soap. That way, you can maintain some cleanliness. Nothing fancy.

Don’t pay extra for skin moisturizing or scented. Get something affordable and effective like Zote Soap.

Buy in bulk. Also, learn how to make your own soap.

It’s easier than you think.

44. Razor Blades

There are a TON of uses for razor blades. One of which is shaving.

Now, I don’t plan on shaving in an emergency. I’m going full ZZ top. But if that’s not your thing, stock up on plenty.

45. Oral Hygiene

Tooth decay and pain are the WORST! Cavities, gingivitis, abscess, etc.

Without access to dental procedures, you’ll have to live with these issues. So the best way to avoid them…is to prevent them. Invest heavily in oral hygiene.

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and a bunch of dental floss.

46. Female Hygiene

Stockpile a bunch of tampons or invest in a menstrual cup. Ultimately, the choice is yours.

47. Hand Sanitizer

Use a hand sanitizer to clean your hands before eating. Ingesting bacteria can create stomach issues or illnesses. Diarrhea can become deadly in an emergency.

Again, prevention is best.

48. Toilet Paper

For short-term emergencies, stockpile toilet paper. However, you need a plan for a longer-term emergency.

Compost toilets are something serious preppers invest in.

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Wall Of Tools

Prepper Checklist: Essential Hand Tools

Power tools are just expensive paperweights without electricity. So, stock up on some hand tools. Old school, yes, but guaranteed to work in an emergency.

49. Hammers

Any head of household worth their salt has one standard claw hammer. A good one will last you a lifetime. And for most, that’s all you’ll ever need. However, there are a few specialty hammers, such as:

  • Ball-peen hammer
  • Rubber mallet
  • Sledgehammer
  • Etc.

50. Shovels

KONNEX Survival ShovelDigging in an emergency may be required. But not for planting trees… To dig a latrine trench or an outhouse pit.

Get a sturdy one.

You may also want a few specialty shovels, such as:

51. Survival Knife

I can’t stress enough the importance of a high-quality survival knife. Research the best survival knives before buying. Find one that best meets your needs. Because a survival knife has so many survival uses.

Then. once you’ve found “the one,” learn how to use it. Also, get a sharpener. It would be a shame to allow such an important tool to become dull and useless.

52. Pliers

Pliers do things human hands cannot. Most DIY projects require a set of pliers. And there’s a wide variety:

  • standard pliers
  • needle nose pliers
  • vice grips
  • adjustable wrench
  • and monkey wrench

To name a few. You should also get a bench vise.

While this is not technically a plier, it performs a similar function.

It holds items firmly in place so you can work with both hands.

53. Saws

There are several types of saws you’ll want to add to your stockpile. Let’s name a few:

Carpentry will be desirable in survival mode.

Having these tools (and knowing how to use them) will be in high demand. Wise in a barter economy.

54. Hatchets and Axes

Wood is an essential resource for cooking and warmth. But not only THAT. It’s also necessary to build things.

Before you can build things out of wood, you have to process a tree into lumber. The ancient way to split trees into lumber was with a sturdy axe.

The bottom line is: You should own at least one hatchet (at a minimum).

55. Hand Grain Mill

Let’s move from shop to kitchen. Many people forget to get a hand mill or grinder. But it’s the best way to turn whole grains into flour without electricity.

If you don’t have one, get one. Otherwise you’ll have to use a stone and pestle.

But trust me: You’ll want to avoid this slow and tedious process.

56. Well Hand Pump

IF you live on well water, do you have a backup pump? One that doesn’t rely on grid power to run.

If NOT, you should invest in a hand well pump or a solar-powered water pump.

Otherwise, you’ll get completely cutoff from your life saving H2O.

THAT’s a very fragile way to live.

Prepper Checklist: Illumination Devices

Illumination is necessary for all sorts of tasks.

  • You’ll need a source of light to work in complete darkness.
  • You’ll need it to move to see where you’re going.

I can’t imagine surviving an emergency without them Attempting to do so puts you at an extreme disadvantage.

57. Super Bright LED Headlamp

Two words:

  1. Hands
  2. Free

Getting a bright one with rechargeable batteries. You’ll also need a way to recharge them. That’s where a portable solar charger comes in handy.

58. Bright LED Tactical Flashlight

While a headlamp is a good start, get a few LED Tactical Flashlights as well. Flashlights give you more control. You can shine it in multiple directions without turning your head..

Get one that’s super bright but only needs a single AA battery. That way, you don’t have to stock any unique battery sizes.

Check out our FireHawk Tactical Flashlight, which you can get for FREE by covering the reasonable S&H.

↓ Get A FREE FireHawk Tactical Flashlight (+S&H)

59. LED Lantern

What if you want to illuminate an entire room? This is where LED lanterns come in.

Again, get one that uses standard-sized batteries.

60. Glow Sticks

Glow sticks work great for emergencies. They signal a warning and provide general illumination. But they can give away your position to potential threats.

So only use if THAT’s not a primary concern.

Ham Survival Radio Gear

Prepper Checklist: Communication Devices

Intelligence is crucial to survival. Gathering and sharing information can improve your chances of success. Whether it’s a weather forecast or knowing the location of threats.

The more you know, the better you can prepare, adapt, and overcome. It’s one of your main defense tactics.

Now, the fragile masses think I’m talking about cell phones. But THAT’s a mistake.  Cell phone signals vary even in good times. It’s a terrible solution for a widespread disaster.

You need reliable, foolproof communication.

61. Hand Crank AM/FM/NOAA Digital Radio

You’ll want a way to get updates on how the “situation” is progressing. This is critical to planning your ‘next move.’ Providing confidence you’re heading AWAY from danger and NOT into it.

Hand-cranked radios do this AND without batteries. IT’s a surefire way to get intel over emergency broadcasts.

↓ Hand Crank Radio Review – Eton Microlink Review

62. Two-Way Radio Walkie-Talkies

Walkie-Talkies are an essential tool for a local survival group. If your team separates you’ll be able to keep in touch at short distances.

The best ones can even work at a distance of up to several miles.

63. HAM Radio Setup

A HAM radio is the best way to communicate long distances in an emergency.

  • Hand crank radios are listen-only devices.
  • Walkie-talkies are local only.

A HAM radio removes both limitations.  Some folks are even able to communicate around the world.

Prepper Checklist eBook Cover - with gas mask on a SHTF scenery background

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rifle with a gun suppressor

Prepper Checklist: Self Defense Tools

In SHTF, you’ll be the hunter or the hunted. Are you prepared to defend yourself from threats? If not, these are the items you should get ASAP.

64. Survival Firearms

So, which firearm is best for survival? To be honest, I could write an entire book on the subject. It’s a very personal choice.

One with lots of nuances to consider.

The good news is: You don’t have to choose just one or two guns. You can invest in an entire arsenal of firepower if you’d like. Stock up on several and a TON of ammo as well.

65. Ammunition

Ammo is to prepping like water is to life; essential. There’s a reason why there are ammo shortages after a crisis.

Millions start stocking up on as much as they can get their hands on. Are you? Ammo is essential for self-defense.

Without it, your high-powered rifle becomes a shitty baseball bat.  That’s why ammo is a precious commodity in a worst-case disaster.

That’s why it’s not a bad idea to make ammo a primary stockpile item.

66. Bow and Arrows

The bow and arrow has several advantages over firearms.

  • Arrows are reusable
  • Bows are quiet to shoot
  • Less regulated
  • Easier to repair
  • Etc.

Here’s a longer list of reasons to invest in a recurve crossbow.

67. Home Defense Items

You should fortify your home. Make it a HARD target for intruders.

This prevents rogues, thieves, or bandits from breaking into (or targeting) your home.

Tools such as outdoor motion detection lighting and security alarm systems, etc. But today, I want to highlight two lesser-known home defense tools. Why? Because MOST break-ins occur through first-floor doors and windows.

67(a). Armor Concepts Door Armor

Door Reinforcement Armor

Armor Concepts sells door armor!  Door Armor is a patented security device to reinforce your existing doors. These products help you do just that! And the cost of these products is very reasonable.

Watch this video on how well it works:

↓ Door Armor Testing (how does it hold up?)

67(b). Window Security Film

Window Security Film

If you’re serious about protecting your windows, read our article on Security Film. It covers details I don’t have time to discuss here…

In general, there are several types of film. Or even burglar bars, riot glass, or security screens. But a quick, good-looking upgrade is window security film.

67(c). Motion Trigger Lights

Most criminals prefer to work in the cover of darkness. Use this to your advantage. Most people have lighting at their front and back doors. But not the sides or detached sheds.

Keeping your perimeter well-lit is essential for fortification. It’s easy with motion-sensing solar lights.

68. Camouflage

I’m a big fan of camouflage….probably because I’m a duck hunter. I’ve got a set of real tree 3D printed pants, jacket, waders, and hat. Well, in a long-term emergency, camouflage is also essential for home defense. Why? Because if you use a scouting system, you’ll want the scouts to disappear.

They want to see but not be seen.

Take things up a notch and go with a ghillie suit. These will keep you hidden in natural surroundings.

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Prepper Checklist: Misc. Tools & Supplies

Here are a few random items that didn’t fit into other categories.

69. Rechargeable Batteries

Rechargeable batteries in all the sizes you need for your gear. Or consider these new USB rechargeable batteries.

They’re an excellent device to own in an emergency.

70. Gold & Silver

Stockpiling rare metals is a good idea.

Sure, you can’t drink it; you can’t eat it; you can’t shoot it. But gold acts as a hedge against inflation. And it’s held its value in times of financial crisis.

So, having gold or silver in a collapsed lawless society gives you powerful trade options.

71. Paper and Pencils

Today, paper is abundant. But what if it wasn’t? IT was extremely beneficial before the modern era. And it may become useful again after WWIII. It’s also necessary for art hobbies, like drawing.

So, stash a box or 2, along with some number 2 pencils.

72. All Forms Of Entertainment

Keeping one’s sanity will be important in a collapse. There will be no TV or internet, video games, or social media to fill your hours. Instead, stash a few excellent books.

Ones you don’t mind reading again and again!

Also, books on DIY projects or survival skills are worth a spot in your home library. Puzzles are a great way to keep your mind occupied and challenged.

Classic strategy games such as chess will also pass the time. Board games are fun for adults and kids alike. Playing cards can be used to play hundreds of different forms of strategic games, like:

  • poker
  • gin rummy
  • solitary
  • etc.

Or even simple games like “slapjack” or “war” we played as kids.

↓ 10 Prepper Supplies EVERYONE Is Overlooking

73. Corrective Lenses

Some of us are at a survival disadvantage without corrective lenses. Get at least one extra set of glasses, preferably 2. They don’t need to be designer frames. It’s better if they’re NOT.

Look for a sturdy pair at a low price point.

You can also stock up on contact lenses. But you’ll also need cleaning agents and cases, etc.

74. Duct Tape

There are lots of survival uses for duct tape.

Check out The Daily Sheeple’s 25 Survival Uses For Duct Tape. Look for a bulk deal online and stock up on this essential “DIY” item.

75. Scissors

Often, a good knife can substitute for a pair of scissors, but not always. Make sure you have a sharp pair lying around your house.

76. Gas Masks and Filters

As humans, we breathe all day, every day, for the remainder of our lives… From our first breath to our last. But we die after about 3 minutes without it.

Now, oxygen won’t just disappear. But it can become poisoned or infected! So, stock up on a good gas mask and filters.

You may never need a gas mask, but if you do, you’ll be glad you did.

Without a doubt – MIRA Safety has the best gas masks on the market today. I bought the CM-6M mask and several filters for myself.

↓ MIRA Safety Gas Mask Review

77. Electrical Tape

Electrical tape has a lot of survival uses beyond electrical. The stuff stretches and sticks; there’s nothing quite like it.

78. Vices

Vices help cope with stressful situations. And nothing is more stressful than a widespread crisis, right?

Stock up on alcohol, cigarettes, or even dirty magazines (if that’s your thing).

Not necessarily to consume but to trade with. A case of whiskey will last forever and hold its value.

Prepping Checklist – Final Thoughts

My advice is to ta­­ke action TODAY using this checklist. Focus on the highest priority items: food, water, medicine, guns, and ammo. After that, round out the rest of the supplies.

Over time, you’ll amass an impressive list of critical survival items. But don’t forget, disasters arrive when we least expect them.  And complacency kills…

I recommend you check out My Patriot Supply or 4Patriots today.

Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,

P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!

I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.

To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.

Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes.

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