A Survival Gear List That tells You Not Just WHAT But WHY
Because let’s face it, how can you be 100% sure you didn’t overlook something critical? You can’t—unless you’ve gone through this Complete Survival Gear List.
Sure, everyone remembers the survival knife. It’s the quintessential tool, right? But here’s the catch: there are plenty of lesser-known survival items that most people completely overlook.
They’re the gear you won’t think about until you’re in a situation where they could’ve made all the difference.
So, before you rest easy thinking you’ve covered all the bases, take a moment to run through this list:
The Supplies Vs. Gear Debate
The following survival gear list will only cover gear, NOT supplies.
What’s the difference?
Supplies are items you consume. Supplies are food, water and medicines; not tools, thus they’re not gear.
For example: I think non perishable foods are a ‘survival supply,’ while a knife is ‘survival gear. This list will cover small portable gear.
So while some may consider a large home generator “survival gear,” we added that to our Prepper’s Checklist.
Water Filtration & Purification
We always start with water because it plays a major role in all emergencies.
Humans need to consume 1/2 gallon of water per person per day – and more if you’re on the run… and must have the gear to turn questionable water into drinkable thirst-quenching H2O.
The good news is: This one is straightforward; we recommend getting a Sawyer Mini Water Filter.
1. Sawyer Mini Water Filter
You never want to choose between consuming gross sewage-filled water and avoiding death.
I’m talking bacterial-laden water that will make you sick. That’s a bad survival situation…
Instead, grab a couple of Sawyer Mini portable water filters. They’re designed to remove microscopic particulates and dangerous bacteria from suspect water.
Couple one with water purification tablets, and you’re ready for nearly all water-related emergencies. And can drink up with confidence.
For even more detailed information, check out my Sawyer Mini review video below:
↓ Sawyer Mini Water Filter Review
2. Water Bottle
You must carry water if you must survive in the wild (or on the move).
When you reach a water source, you must filter, purify, and add some to a bottle. Because you rarely know how far ways the next water source is. And bottled water keeps you hydrated between sources.
Get a single-walled, metal one (no double-wall insulated ones).
Metal bottles allow you to boil water over a fire in a pinch. But heating a double-walled bottle can cause an explosion!
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On occasion, water takes a back seat to shelter. Extreme temperatures and weather can make finding shelter your number one survival priority.
So you can either pray you’ll stumble across a natural survival shelter (or an abandoned cabin in the woods). Or you can invest in some lifesaving shelter gear.
3. Survival Tarp
Tarps are an excellent shelter option. But a cheap tarp will not do.
You should invest in a high-quality, waterproof, rugged, ripstop survival tarp with ample anchor points.
A good survival tarp allows you to structure different shelter setups to keep wind, rain, sleet, and snow off.
↓ AquaQuest Waterproof Heavy-Duty Defender Tarp
For even more information, check out our post on survival shelters, where we share more tarp shelter configurations.
4. Cold Weather Tent
OK, if you live in cold regions, a tarp might not work well in the dead of winter. Instead, you might want to upgrade to a cold-weather or canvas tent.
These tents are not the lightest survival equipment; most will be over 10 lbs. But they will keep you warm and alive in even the worst conditions.
These are the tents extreme mountain climbers use to keep safe at high altitudes.
For even more detailed information, check out our cold weather tent post and our survival tent post.
↓ Top 5 Best Insulated Tents for Winter Camping
5. Survival Hammock
Hammocks are not just for the beach; they can also be for survival. These keep you off the ground so you can sleep high up in a tree if necessary.
Some can be rolled up into a compact ball and don’t weigh much.
A hammock tent is an excellent option between a full tent setup and a survival tarp. Just add a winter-capable sleeping bag to your setup and a tarp in case it rains!
↓ Top 5 Best Hammock Tents
6. TACT Bivvy
Finally, there’s the TACT Bivvy. It’s an emergency blanket (or bivy sack) that can be added to any of the above shelter options.
This piece of life-saving gear weighs under 5 ounces. “Lifesaving,” you ask…absolutely.
When you hop in this TACT bivvy, it traps your body heat to keep you warm even in frigid temperatures.
I tested one during freezing temperatures outside and was sweating after just a few minutes. The internal temperature in the Bivvy reached the mid-70s!
I wish every car and truck manufacturer put one of these TACT Bivvys in everyone’s glove box. It saves lives when people get stuck overnight in blizzards.
Here’s my video review of the TACT Bivvy:
↓ Bug Out Bag Shelter – TACT Bivvy Review
Want a free 54 item survival gear checklist?
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Next up is survival weapons. Wait! Are weapons considered gear? In my opinion, YES.
Self-defense IS survival.
These weapons are not survival supplies (however, ammo is). So let’s cover some common and lesser-known survival gear you can use to protect and defend yourself.
7. Survival Firearm
First off, there is no such thing as one single “best” survival gun, and there’s a lot to think about and consider.
Weight, ammo availability, accuracy, ruggedness, etc. Just ensure you have enough firepower to protect and defend yourself and your family.
8. Bore Snake
While a bore snake is not a weapon, it does belong in this category. It’s a must-have for anyone who owns a rifle.
If you want your weapon to fire when you pull the trigger and maintain its accuracy, take the time to keep the bore clean of build-up.
↓ How to Clean a Rifle with a BoreSnake
9. Homemade Weapons
Instead of listing all the homemade weapons you could make and build, I added the entire category. I’ll also point you to a homemade weapons post that covers many homemade weapons you can create.
From homemade flamethrowers to homemade stun guns and shivs.
10. Survival Bow
When stalking, hunting, OR defending, ‘silent but deadly‘ is the key. Don’t get me wrong; you have to have firearms. But if you’re in a survival situation where portability and stealth are crucial, give me a good takedown recurve survival bow.
If portability is less of an issue, give me a powerful crossbow.
Either way, I like having the option to shoot wild game (or dangerous threats) silently if need be. The “thump” of an arrow release is a whisper compared to the “bang” of a rifle.
Here’s a post detailing 16 reasons why you want a survival bow.
↓ Ultimate Survival Bow
11. Survival Crossbow
Maybe I’m just a sucker for survival movies and TV series, but I love the idea of owning a crossbow.
You get all the benefits of a survival bow with the benefits of trigger shooting. A solid choice and a worthy addition to a survival gear list.
↓ Top 5 Best Budget Crossbow
12. Tactical Pen
Not my personal “go-to” weapon of choice, but I’m also not a tactical pen-wielding master.
I’ve seen videos of tactical pens being used for self-defense, and they are lethal in the right set of hands.
↓ Tactical Pen – Self-Defense – Fighting
I do keep one in my everyday carry pack as a backup. I hope I never need to use it, but I know it’s close by, just in case.
Plus, when writing this post, you could pick up a FREE tactical strike pen if you chip in for shipping.
Click here to see if the deal is still available.
Here’s our guide to using and finding the perfect tactical pen.
12. Stun Gun | Batons
Stun Batons are becoming a popular non-lethal self-defense weapon.
If you hit someone with a high-voltage stun gun, they’re going down hard and fast. They won’t know what hit them, and you can neutralize the threat or escape to safety.
A worthy piece of survival gear for the list.
↓ Are Stun Guns Effective? We Tested Some Out!
13. Pepper Spray / Mace
Earlier this year, I read an interesting news article. It was about a man hospitalized after eating one Carolina Reaper.
It is said to be the hottest chili pepper known to man – at around 2,000,000 Scoville Heat Units! This pepper causes intense dry heaves, blinding headaches, and some near-stroke symptoms.
But what if the “pepper” in a pepper spray was that powerful?
FOX Labs is measured at 5,300,000 SHU – an astounding 265% hotter than the Carolina Reaper! It can spray this blinding defense up to 17 to 20 feet.
FOX Labs Pepper Spray is used by Police, Law Enforcement, Security, and Military agencies worldwide. It’s one of those self-defense weapons everyone should own.
↓ Self-Defense Tips – How to Use Pepper Spray
Fire-Starting Survival Gear
Starting fires and survival are nearly the same.
Fire starting in calm dry conditions is one thing. Starting a fire in a blizzard or torrential downpour is a whole different ballgame.
You need the gear to help you get a fire started, no matter the conditions.
14. Lighter(s)
The good news is you have a lot of choices in survival lighters. You can go cheap with a standard BIC lighter or high-tech with a Tesla lighter. Or go with anything in-between, like a zippo.
The choice is yours. We like the Tesla lighters for survival since they work in wet and high wind conditions.
But you should always have 3 ways to start a fire…
15. Ferro Rod
Do you know the biggest downside of any of the lighters mentioned above?
They all require fuel; lighter fuel or battery power. These can run out or go dead just when you need them most.
Instead, why not have survival tools that won’t run out when you need it most? Get a quality Ferro rod.
This Ferro rod has 12,000 strikes!
That’s a lot of fires. Using one takes some practice, but they are worthy of a spot on your gear list.
↓ The Correct Way To Use A Ferro Rod
16. Permanent Matches
Permanent matches are another form of fire-starting. Because you can never really have too many firestarters.
You’re making a mistake if you have regular matches with your survival gear. If regular matches get wet, they are worthless. However, a permanent match can get wet and will light with no problem.
If you’re going to stock some survival matches (and you should), then you need permanent ones.
17. Fire Laces
Fire laces are a piece of survival gear you can wear daily. These are shoelaces with mini Ferro rods at the ends.
Just loop the striker into the laces, and you’re shoes become a survival tool in their own right. Your shoelaces now double as a survival fire starter.
↓ Survival Frog Fire Laces Review
18. Tinder Tubes
The real secret to starting a fire is not the sparks or the flame; it’s the tinder.
Fine, dry tinder makes fire starting a breeze no matter which tool you use to light it. So you should carry some tinder around with you. And you can add some paraffin wax to help make fire-starting easier.
That’s why this überleben Tindår Wick & Bellow is an excellent addition to your survival gear supplies.
It lights easily anywhere (even with a Ferro rod), you control how much tinder you use each time with the slider box, and it weighs next to nothing… genius!
↓ Making & Testing Tinder Tubes Uberleben Review
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19. Survival Shovel
Some people swear by owning and using a survival shovel, while others see it as unnecessary. But a shovel can do one task that no other bladed tool can do (at least not nearly as well).
It can dig large holes and move lots of dirt.
A knife cannot do that; a tarp can’t do that; a stick can’t do it. Only a tactical shovel will do when digging a trench or a foxhole.
Check out our Best Survival Shovels Guide for even more information.
20. Survival Knife
It’s safe to say a fixed-blade survival knife is the most popular survival gear for most people – as it should be.
The knife is so versatile and can accomplish so many survival tasks. It’s one of the first pieces of survival gear most people get – and serious survivalists own several.
Another type of bladed tool you might want to add in addition to a survival knife is a survival machete.
It’s an extremely versatile tool/weapon.
21. Survival Hatchet / Axe
Survival hatchets and survival axes are similar in shape and function but not in size.
The hatchet is shorter and tends to weigh less, while an axe is longer and has more heft. But both of these pieces of gear perform critical survival functions.
They fell trees, and they split wood. And while you can split wood with a good survival knife by batoning, it’s not something you want to do in large quantities.
↓ Batoning Wood with Your Knife
Also, check out our Best Survival Axe Guide and Survival Hatchet post.
22. Survival MultiTool
I’m a fan of survival multi-tools with a great set of pliers (ones with needle nose pliers preferred).
Pliers are another survival tool that other devices cannot easily replace. Gripping an object with a powerful force (and pulling or twisting) often cannot be replicated using fingers.
Check out our Survival MultiTool Buying Guide.
23. Survival Credit Card Tool
Here’s a credit card survival tool at a very reasonable price.
The biggest downside is that it doesn’t have a set of pliers.
But for those who would rather have a thinner credit card knife or survival multi-tool – you can’t do much better.
↓ My Survival Credit Card Tool Review
24. Blade Sharpener
You have to have at least one good knife sharpener. What good is a dull blade? Close to worthless.
You might as well be carrying a spoon around if your blade is dull.
So grab this blade sharpener and add it to your survival gear.
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25. Survival Whistle
Earlier, we covered some of the highest-priority survival items (water, shelter, self-defense), but what about rescue?
Sometimes the top priority is to get the attention of others who can provide rescue or medical assistance.
A rescue whistle will travel a very long distance and get lots of attention for miles. Much further than your voice can carry alone.
Check out the Best Survival Whistle options in this post.
26. Signal Mirror
A signal mirror can serve two vital survival purposes.
First, a mirror can signal help to a rescue plan or helicopter. Using the sun’s power to shine a glare on a rescue team is an excellent way to gain attention. The other survival use of a small mirror is to create a fire.
It’s not the easiest way to start a fire, but a focused beam of light on dry tinder will burst into flame.
Plus, they are lightweight and take up very little space—an underrated tool to add to your gear list.
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Cell phones are terrible emergency communication devices.
You need the following instead:
27. Survival Radio
As anyone from a military background knows, intelligence is everything in emergencies.
Without critical information, such as weather conditions or roadblock locations, you may escape into the path of danger when staying is the safer choice (or visa versa).
The more intel, the better.
Never put access to critical intel in the hands of electricity or battery technology. Instead, get a hand crank radio to generate your own power on demand.
Just crank; minutes later, you can tune into any available intel being broadcast.
You can’t go wrong with the Kadio KA500.
Here is a video of our Jason (Skilled Survival’s gear expert) reviewing a similar hand-ranked radio:
↓ Hand Crank Radio Review – Eton Microlink Review
28. Walkie Talkies
If you’re in a survival group, then you should plan to communicate with this group at a distance.
Whether you’re talking perimeter security or setting up an ambush – walkie-talkies are a significant survival advantage.
These walkie-talkies have a range of up to 2 miles.
Illumination Gear For Survival
29. Tactical Flashlight
A prepared survivalist is not 100% ready for an emergency without a means of illumination. Proper lighting is necessary – from moving at night to seeing what you’re doing in a dark basement.
Having a tactical flashlight in your pocket is one piece of survival gear that’s NOT optional; it’s essential.
↓ Get A FREE FireHawk Tactical Flashlight (+S&H)
Want a free FireHawk Tactical Flashlight?
30. Survival Lantern
“Don’t underestimate the power of the light side….”
Ok, terrible joke, but it’s true. You should never underestimate the power of illumination.
That’s why you need at least one survival lantern. There are several options, so decide which makes the most sense for you and get one.
You might want to get a solar lantern and avoid dealing with carrying extra batteries.
31. Survival Headlamp
I promise this is the last illumination tool on this list. But a quality headlamp provides illumination in a way that a flashlight or lantern cannot. They allow you portable, focused, hands-free illumination.
I can’t think of a way this wouldn’t be a huge advantage in a survival situation.
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32. Survival Watch
Nowadays, there are many impressive survival watches available. Ones that provide more than time can also provide information such as temperature, altitude, heading, etc.
Plus, we like survival watches that are tough enough to deal with even the worst of elements, like the G shock Series.
Check out our Survival Watch Guide for even more information.
↓ Survival Watch Challenge
33. Survival Stoves
Do you need a survival stove? No.
Stoves are nice and can make survival easier, but you can cook survival food over a regular fire just as well.
However, with that said, some impressive portable survival stove options are available on the market and worth a look. For example, this BioLite CampStove 2+ allows you to generate some electricity with a survival stove is a bonus.
Now if portability is less of a concern, go with a Rocket Stove.
Read about all 15 survival cooking options here.
You might also be interested in getting a tent stove for portable heat in the winter.
The bottom line:
You need a way to cook your freeze-dried meals without electricity or natural gas. Or you could always go with Meals Ready To Eat…and skip cooking altogether.
34. Survival Bike
One of the most overlooked items for survival.
If there’s an EMP strike or a disaster with massive fuel shortages, you’ll need a form of alternative transportation. A rugged e mountain bike with panniers or even a small trailer is a good idea.
Here’s more information about bikes for survival.
↓ Rambo Hunting Ebikes: Every Prepper Should Consider
35. Survival Bandana
How much space does a bandana take up in your bug-out bag or pocket? Very little.
How much does one weigh? Very little. However, this often overlooked piece of gear has many survival uses.
There’s no good excuse not to include a survival bandana in your survival gear. Survival bananas are a high-utility and lightweight survival tool.
Get one.
Or get an even better piece of cloth for survival called a neck gaiter.
Here’s a detailed post on survival bandanas and their many uses.
↓ Survival Bandana: 40 Uses
36. Gas Masks
There are a few emergency scenarios where a gas mask jumps all the way up to the number 1 priority.
If you can’t breathe, then you’ll die in minutes. And if you can breathe, but the air is deadly, then you may become a member of the walking dead.
Not the zombie variety but the sort where your death is coming soon, but you don’t realize it yet. Think – nuclear fallout.
So get a good gas mask for each family member and plenty of gas filters to go with it.
Check out our Gas Mask Buying Guide.
↓ Gas Mask Filters: Everything You Need to Know
37. Snares & Traps
You can make your own deadfall traps and paracord snares, but it’s easier to snag a meal if you’re using gear made for it. So it’s worth picking up a few wire snares and animal traps and learning how to use them.
↓ 5 Survival Traps and Snares that WORK!
38. Fishing Pole
Standard fishing poles are great. But I always try to find lighter and more portable gear for survival. So you should check out these alternative fishing pole options.
39. Fishing Tackle
Get a small fishing tackle box with a few essentials to catch some trout, bluegill, or bass.
A few crankbaits, some plastic worms, toss in some catfish stink bait, some lead, some hooks, a bobber or 2, and you’re all set.
If you don’t, you’ll have to fashion a hook out of a pop top or whittle one out of wood. And while those methods are fun to try – they are not ones I’d be interested in relying on during a real emergency.
40. Perimeter Defense Alarms
Let’s say you’re thrust into an emergency where rescue is undesirable. Let’s also say you want to avoid detection or roaming threats.
In such a situation, getting some shut-eye is a dangerous proposition.
Someone could sneak up when you’re most vulnerable. You need a perimeter alarm system.
You need something in place to warn you of trouble in the area.
That’s what these cool sound grenade devices can do for you.
↓ 6 Different SHTF Perimeter Alarms
41. Compact Binoculars
These can help you see objects, animals, or threats at a very long range. That’s what I call a superpower.
Get a compact pair of high-powered binoculars, and you’ll have a major survival advantage.
You’re at a huge survival disadvantage if you don’t have them.
42. Spork
You likely have a survival knife but probably don’t have a fork and spoon. So get this lightweight, highly portable spork to eat a meal with some decency in a survival situation.
A low-weight, low-volume but high-utility piece of survival gear.
43. Portable Solar Charger
Do you need electrical power in a survival situation? No, you don’t. However, it depends on the rest of the survival equipment on your list.
For example, if you plan to use your GPS device or smartphone as a survival tool, you need a way to charge it outdoors.
Skilled Survival highly recommends the Anytime Charge Solar Power Bank.
Why? Because it’s one of the most durable, compact, and cost-effective portable solar chargers on the market today. But don’t let its compact size fool you; it’s also got a massive 10,000 mAh battery capacity!
The massive battery storage is enough to charge any device multiple times. Plus, with dual charging outputs, you can power multiple devices simultaneously!
Simply plug in your devices via the supplied USB cable (you can use any USB cable) and press the power button.
Your device will begin to take power from the Anytime Charge right away.
Recharging the Anytime Solar Bank couldn’t be easier – leave it in the sun, and it will automatically fill the large battery bank back up ANYWHERE. Plus, it’s splash resistant and comes with an emergency flashlight with a strobe function.
NOTE: When this article was published, you could snag some bonus Tactical Flashlights For FREE when you buy multiple Anytime Solar Chargers.
Click here now to see if this deal is still available!
44. Survival Saw
A survival saw is a handy piece of gear to own. These saws are lightweight, and help cut good-sized limbs quickly in a pinch.
It’s a lightweight, useful tool, so it’s on the list for those who want a portable way to saw through wood.
45. Survival Belt
If you’re like me, a belt is the one piece of gear I wear every time I walk out of my house. So I always have a belt with me.
So why would I wear a regular belt of limited use? Instead, you should upgrade this daily wear item to one with a ton of survival utility.
Check out our detailed post on the Best Survival Belts.
46. Survival Cup
A bit of a luxury item in a survival scenario, but drinking water out of your hands is not convenient. Plus, if you have coffee, soup, or freeze-dried meals, you’ll need a bowl or cup to eat these meals.
What’s nice is you can get a collapsible one, which weighs nearly nothing and takes up minimal space. I keep one in my backpack for my dog.
He can drink from a collapsible cup, not a water bottle.
47. Battery Boost Charger
Dead batteries have thrown many people into survival situations.
If you’re out in a remote area and your vehicle battery dies, your only option is to start hiking. OR, if you had a battery booster, you could bring the battery back to life and drive home without inconvenience.
It’s a piece of gear you don’t realize you need until you really need it! Highly powerful but only about the size of a smartphone.
48. Bolt Cutters
Who knows what the world may look like in a major disaster?
Survival is all about prepping, adapting, and overcoming.
A set of mini bolt cutters allows you to overcome chains and padlocks. Is it breaking and entering? Yes. But if the world is in lawless chaos, there will be no police to arrest you.
Not a tool to be used lightly, but if you ever have the need, nothing can replicate it.
49. Sling Shot
Ammo is heavy. Rocks and pebbles can be heavy too, but you don’t have to carry them. You can find them in nature.
So while I don’t support slingshots as real self-defense weapons, I do think slingshots have a place on a survival list.
They can get you a meal without wasting firearm ammo (with some practice), and that’s why it’s on this gear list.
50. Survival Pack
Survival pack, bug-out bag, inch bag, backpack – all different names for basically the same piece of gear.
A survival pack is a bag with straps to carry your survival gear on your back. That’s it.
Some packs are larger, while others are smaller. Others have extra pockets, while some have MOLLE. So choose a survival pack that works best for you.
Watch the video below to see why we recommend The Combat Bag by EVATAC.
↓ Bug Out Bag Review – The Combat Bag by EVATAC
51. Paracord
The uses for paracord are nearly endless. It allows you to bind, cinch, tie, hang, attach, trip, etc.
The bottom line is 550 paracord is one essential piece of survival gear.
Now, there are several ways you can carry cord.
One of the most popular ways is via a paracord survival bracelet. But you can also create a paracord donut, or paracord “oh crap” jeep straps, paracord belts, dog collars, etc.
Choose your preferred method, and you’ll always have some cordage with you wherever you go.
Here are 17 excellent paracord projects to make your own paracord items.
52. Survival Compass
Every true survivalist should own a high-quality military compass.
Forget ones where the needle hangs up or points in the wrong direction half the time. With a compass, you can prevent walking in circles and keep a straight heading.
You’ll never get lost again if you add a map with a compass (and know how to use them).
↓ Advanced Navigation & Compass Tips
53. Survival Poncho
What if it’s raining outside, but you need to keep moving? Hypothermia is extremely dangerous. And your hypothermia risk goes up exponentially when you’re in wet clothes.
You should add a survival poncho with a hood for outdoor emergencies.
It’s your best portable shelter option in certain conditions.
54. First Aid Kits
You need to be able to treat some minor injuries in any situation.
Medical gear includes bandages, antibacterial creams, painkillers, a blood-clotting sponge, and a tourniquet. Obviously, if you’re on the move, you need a small portable emergency kit.
I highly recommend The MyMedic Solo First Aid Kit for a compact portable kit.
However, if you’re preparing for at-home emergencies, you can load up on a more sophisticated medical survival kit.
Again, MyMedic has you covered with their Recon medium-sized First Aid Kit.
And here’s our detailed “how to build a survival medical kit” guide if you’d rather build your own from scratch.
55. Tactical Boots
Your feet tend to take some serious abuse in a survival situation. Good luck surviving much if your feet are sore and blistered.
So it’s worth every penny to invest in a quality pair of tactical boots.
56. Important Documents
If you’re forced to evacuate, you should grab those important papers you may need to prove: Your identity, you’re insurance, etc.
I’m talking about birth certificates, insurance papers, and the like.
Check out my Bug Out Bag Documents article for more information.
57. Personal Hygiene Items
I’m not going to list every single personal hygiene item. That would take all day.
And I tend to put these items into the prepper supplies category than survival gear. But to cover all basis, here are a few items you should add to your list:
- Q-tips
- Chapstick
- Vaseline
- Toothpaste | Brush | Floss
- Soap | Moist Towelettes
- TP
Prepare, Adapt & Overcome,
P.s. - I just found out 2 out of 3 Americans don’t feel prepared for a 3 day disaster!!!
I guess this goes to show how modern society continues to embrace ‘living a fragile life.’ What’s crazy is… it’s so easy to fix.
To make sure YOU have the basics, watch our FREE training on “10 Simple Steps To Basic Preparedness” that shows you HOW.
Nothing crazy here… this isn’t doomsday prepping... just the basics every responsible adult should have before a disaster strikes.Why You Can Trust Skilled Survival...
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P.s - I just took this FREE 60-second 'Readiness Score Quiz'👇AND... I've still got a few gaps in my preps...🤔 But at least, I'm not part of 'The Fragile Masses'. 👍 Find out where YOU stand by answering a few questions...
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Best EDC Flashlight: Simple, Small, Compact & Super Bright
The best edc flashlight is durable, bright, compact and worth carrying! In this guide, we review the best one to make your search easy.
Valley Food Storage Review: An Expert Puts It To The Test
Unbiased and thorough Valley Food Storage review covering food supplies, packaging, taste, and shelf life. Don't buy without reading this...